Example sentences of "[prep] put the [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 By eight-thirty , after putting the army to rights , and warming ourselves on one cup of tea after another , we were too cold to stay up .
2 And then , after putting the note on his bed for him to read when he came back for his rest and covering it with the undyed hessian bedspread in case their child saw it , she would sit down and try to wring words out of the sleepy little boy at breakfast before he went off to school , and find that she had an empty morning in which to worry about what she had written .
3 He served with the Parliamentary army as a chaplain on two occasions , although he also disapproved of putting the king to death .
4 The idea of putting the army on an island is preposterous .
5 This would definitely rule out the provision of tea or coffee , which would be seen as a way of putting the taxpayer at ease — which is the last thing the inspector would wish to achieve .
6 The builders of the new machinery , principally the DES , do so with the good intention of putting the law into practice .
7 So what what I 'm that that that 's the sort of basic outline and I see it as an opportunity of putting the name in front of quite a lot of schools
8 When toilet training , a systematic approach of putting the child on the potty or the lavatory after each meal and before going to bed can start to establish a routine and pattern ( Levine and Bakow 1976 ) .
9 ‘ The whole stupid , f—ing happy idea of putting the song on the album was to say something about struggle , ’ adds Fruitbat .
10 We have no intention of putting the success of that operation at risk because of the usual bungling by the authorities . ’
11 He talks about the process of putting the smoke into houses through the letter box and how smoke would come out of the window or door .
12 Inside the Labour Party , the conflict as to how to react was acute , those opposed to any concessions finally triumphing with the well-known formula of putting the matter to a royal commission which could not report till after the forthcoming general election .
13 Erm , in terms of putting the non-running in your department .
14 It soon transpired , however , that the Corporation had agreed to combine with the guardians for the reception of smallpox patients from the Borough only , not from the rural areas , whereupon Mr. Haddock gave notice that he would raise once more the question of putting the hospital on workhouse premises , specifically the south-east corner of the grounds .
15 Oh it 's not a case of putting the world to rights I 'm looking for this bacon
16 The four villas ( according to the L & B Minute Book ) were built in 1838 by Messrs Guyther and Co , for £393 10s each , and let at £18 per annum — the tenants paid rates and taxes , but there was an allowance of £5 per house to meet the expense of putting the garden in order .
17 And , without waiting for a reply to his question about whether she gave Morton tacit approval for the book which became the biggest seller in the history of royal publishing , Philip went on to accuse his daughter-in-law of putting the dignity of the Crown at risk .
18 Take an example : a builder sub-contracts the job of putting the roof on a house which he is building .
19 Well , with the coffee it 's all a matter of putting the sugar in first and stirring well .
20 The advent of the Arbortech Carving Competition at the 1990 Woodworker Show gave me the idea of putting the tool to some good use .
21 The pharmaceutical industry has a record of putting the consumer at risk of which the Thalidomide and Opren cases are the most famous .
22 For it was he who arranged the finance which went a long way towards putting the station on the air .
23 The second plea was to the regime for ‘ clear and convincing steps ’ towards putting the country on a just , democratic and socialist course .
24 The Community has gone a long way towards achieving that central purpose ; towards taming nationalism without suppressing patriotism ; towards sharing sovereignty without destroying nations ; and towards putting the magic of markets to work for society in a stable democratic setting .
25 Gerald has been known to coin such memorable one-liners as the following : ‘ If the joy of the Lord is our strength , it 's little wonder that the church in Britain has been so weak and ineffective ’ ; ‘ There 's no virtue in being ten or twenty years behind the times ’ ; ‘ Most Christians are nicer than God himself ’ ; ‘ It is the unshared areas of our lives where Jesus is not Lord ’ ; ‘ One of the reasons the church in Britain has failed to grow is quite simply because it is full of people who are extremely rude ’ ; ‘ Putting the life of God into institutional Christianity is rather like putting the life of a human being into a kangaroo … . ’ 'You are only a leader if someone 's following you' ( Gerald Quotes ) .
26 This may sound like putting the cart before the horse and being unnecessarily pessimistic .
27 This is rather like putting the cart before the horse and it is very difficult later to take up the study of the horse when all previous emphasis has been placed upon the cart !
28 Mrs Thatcher 's veto against putting the pound in the ERM has obliged Mr Lawson to set interest rates higher than would have been otherwise necessary to sustain sterling and , some economists think , to beat inflation .
29 With Europe in recession and fears about unemployment , Britain and other countries which could previously be relied upon to put the case for a freer market ( and a bigger share for themselves of Japanese investment ) are no longer being heard .
30 Engineering union leader Bill Jordan said : ‘ The pin-striped patriots of the City laughed as they profited from putting the boot into the British economy . ’
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