Example sentences of "[prep] where [pers pn] [vb mod] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 They the county council licence the whole service is of where they can run .
2 ‘ Think of where we would have been without nurses during the war . ’
3 We 've looked at the current number of users , where they live , the journey times that they have often provided by us on tra transport and the possibilities of where we can relocate them and clearly we have a number of centres in the Nottingham er conurbation which will be made available to those users from Beaver Vale .
4 Only a little thing , but he was frightened of where it might lead .
5 I 'm saying that I do n't know what local preference is , in terms of where it should go .
6 When he reached an Underground station he bought a ticket without even thinking of where he might want to go .
7 ‘ I think Neil Kinnock will probably stand down quite soon , ’ said Mr George Galloway , MP for Glasgow Hillhead : ‘ He has reached the summit of where he can take the British Labour Party . ’
8 I 'm not sure though of where he 'd fit in under the current team structure .
9 May I appeal to anybody who might have information , or might know of where I can find information , on Alton in this period .
10 ‘ After the Kentucky Derby , we will make a decision on where he goes , but I 'm a Yankee and that might give you a fair indication of where I 'd like to see him run , ’ he added .
11 On pages 42 , 43 there are some suggestions of where you might like to explore Edinburgh 's night life , where you can dance the night away , relax and enjoy cabaret , or take part in a medieval banquet out of town .
12 Most of you , however , will already have a good idea of where you would feel most secure .
13 A full list of where you can use the card is given in the booklet ‘ Midland eurocheque Cash Machines in Europe ’ .
14 The magazines that are out today are very informative of where you can get the addresses of places to go , they give both sides of homosexuality you know , male and female as far I 've seen , and definitely in the past two years or so .
15 This is something where the local authority is the lead agency , but it does involve , increasingly involve very close joint working with other agencies , particularly in the health authority , and there were various conditions attaching the funds , which have a number of , of purposes , but one of the key ones in terms of where you must spend your money , or a proportion of it , was very much aimed at not destabilizing the existing sector .
16 ‘ Somebody like [ the agency head ] is n't going to … lay down the rules of where you should take a stat , or where you should n't take a stat .
17 ‘ I am here to plead my case with my father 's creditors and to sell the family jewels , I suppose it is selfish of me to be concerned with such trifles when you have such pressing concerns like where you shall live , in the London home or at Summer Lodge . ’
18 For a start , Britain has to an extent been forced by the rules and practices of the EEC artificially to divert her exporting efforts to Europe and away from where they may have been more beneficially employed for her in the rest of the world .
19 They knew it was used as one of the staging-posts for the IRA , a safe hideaway from where they would launch an attack .
20 The British forces were instructed to move only into key areas from where they could carry out their task of rescuing POWs .
21 During the civil war , Palestinian guerrillas moved into the far more impressive fortress of Beaufort on the heights above the Litani River , from where they could gaze deep into Israel — or into Palestine as they would insist — and shell the Lebanese Christian villages in between .
22 Instead , they had taken up position in one of the shops opposite where they were concealed by heavy wooden boarding and from where they could see directly into Mordecai 's shop .
23 Eric Cantona 's goal was caused by Richard Gough and Nicol being marked absent yards from where they should have been .
24 This movement will be accelerated once Oracle users have made the shift over from Oracle 6 to Oracle7 , from where they can extend further towards the Oracle Parallel Server .
25 This machine , a small but powerful catapult , lobs Goblins high into the air , from where they can spy out the land ahead .
26 The USAF is building up its first TR-1 squadron at Alconbury in Cambridgeshire , from where they will fly spy missions .
27 We left Canjuers on the Monday morning and arrived later on that day at a small village , from where we would march back on foot to Orange .
28 I glanced away , back up the river from where we 'd come .
29 We chose sites that were obscure and hard to see from the valleys , at the base of upland cliffs from where we could see but not be seen .
30 It also did n't help that the toad 's colouring blended perfectly with the surroundings for , Harry remembers , you never knew from where it might jump .
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