Example sentences of "[prep] these will [vb infin] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 More boys and girls will have reached the ego-identity achievement stage and a proportion of these will go into science .
2 Some of these will go into Further or Higher education and help and advice are given .
3 In the 1990s some of these will move into the ranks of successful barristers from whom judicial appointments are made .
4 In this country between 5 and 10 per cent of cases of gonorrhoea in women go on to develop a degree of tubal involvement , and only a few of these will lead to peritonitis .
5 Some of these will draw on the help of non-Cabinet ministers .
6 One of the issues to be resolved between the vendor and purchaser is the question of whether the purchaser is willing to take over either of the debtors or creditors of the business or whether one or both of these will remain with the vendor after completion of the sale .
7 In a six battery pod there are fourteen points of contact ( two on each cell and two more on the pod ) ; failure from any one of these will result in no power .
8 It consists of a sheet for each day which has numerous analysis columns — the headings of these will depend on the requirements of the hotel .
9 Both boys and girls make identifications with their fathers and mothers , and the relative strength of these will depend on the degree of bisexuality in the individual : the more masculine the girl , the stronger the identification with her father is likely to be ; the more feminine the boy 's constitutional make-up , the stronger the identification with his mother is likely to be and the weaker his identification with father .
10 The extent of the dealer 's liability under one of these will depend upon the terms of his particular agreement .
11 It would not be the number of establishments , since many of these will account for only a relatively small proportion of the total output .
12 The restriction of membership to regular workers means that less than one in seven private sector union members are women and the bulk of these will cease to be members when they follow the convention of ‘ retirement ’ to child raising by the age of 30 .
13 The majority of these will need to be discarded as a result of changed page layout .
14 Eurodisney is also assuming 60 per cent of these will come from France .
15 Some of these will come from third parties .
16 Whenever the final balance is drawn up , costs such as these will have to be offset against whatever gains arise from the scheme .
17 Concepts such as these will have to be translated into readily understandable questions , the answers to which can serve as indices of the more abstract and theoretical concepts .
18 It is almost inevitable that changes such as these will need to be made during the life of a system .
19 Now reports like these will appear in the Mirror every Monday .
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