Example sentences of "[prep] time to time during " in BNC.

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1 Ms Khudiakova herself may , from time to time during the week of the show , model some of the 20 outfits — a red silk skirt patterned with the heads of workers who look as if they are marching when you walk in it , a red evening dress decorated with a swath of flowers reminiscent of the relief on a pavilion in Moscow 's Stalin-era Exhibition of Economic Achievements .
2 One such instance was related to me by Mr David Charles , of the Charles and Redding Company , who visited Darlington Hall from time to time during Lord Darlington 's days .
3 By imperial unification they meant at this time a federal union of Britain and the white dominions , a scheme differing little in its essentials from other schemes of imperial union which had occupied the minds of the British political classes from time to time during the latter part of the nineteenth century .
4 Although the birth-rate fluctuated from time to time during the century — for example , it was low in the inter-war years and high in the immediate post-Second World War years — the proportion of survivors at each age , and especially among the young , increased throughout the period .
5 He began to note down suitable thoughts and epigrams on pieces of office copy-paper , not really with the intention of learning them off by heart , but with the idea that he might put them in his jacket pocket and touch them from time to time during the programme to give himself reassurance , knowing that if the worst really came to the worst he could take them out and refresh his memory .
6 ( 2 ) A licensing board may adjourn any meeting held by virtue of subsection ( 1 ) above from time to time during the period of one month next following the first day of such meeting , but no longer .
7 The flight burns up energy , and the hummingbird has to stop from time to time during its journey , to defend a territory and re-fuel .
8 2.4 " Common Parts " means any malls and other pedestrian ways concourses and circulation areas staircases escalators ramps and lifts service roads loading bays forecourts and other ways and areas in the Centre which are from time to time during the Term provided by the Landlord for common use by customers frequenting the Centre and by the Tenants and the occupiers of the Centre or persons expressly or by implication authorised by them Although it is highly unlikely that the landlord would so amend or alter the common parts to make it impossible for the tenant to carry on its business , the following additional wording may be considered :
9 It is obviously essential that the premises and the building or complex ( if applicable ) are insured to their full reinstatement value from time to time during the lease .
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