Example sentences of "[prep] make [art] good [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 After making a good meal I asked how much I owed .
2 That would of made a good conversation , why did you give Michelle the glass ?
3 Erm he would of made a good singer , yes .
4 If you can establish this backswing position , you have an excellent chance of making a good downswing .
5 You can be assured of making a good profit ! "
6 The art of making a good deal as an agent is to keep the promoter 's costs down , while allowing him or her a sufficient budget to make sure the event is successful .
7 They only fought in order to protect somebody else ( ‘ like one of the younger kids who 's getting smashed up ’ ) but were clearly very capable of making a good job of it .
8 Now doctors at the Stoke Mandeville Spinal Injuries Unit say he probably only has a one in twenty chance of making a good recovery .
9 If the bias towards one end is only small , the best place to start is in the middle where there is often plenty of space and the chances of making a good start are greater .
10 It will be a matter of making a good landing directly into wind , if that is possible , and of hoping for a minimum of damage to the glider .
11 The secret of making a good talking-head recording is to find someone who can tell an interesting story .
12 I have a definite sensation of making a better turn and of having more time in which to make the hit .
13 For some Protestant thinkers , experimental science promised a way of reversing the effects of the original curse , a way of making a better world that might in some small way mirror the perfection of God 's heavenly kingdom , a way of restoring the world to a condition fit for Christ 's earthly rule .
14 the , the , the implication is always erm that you 've got to make some sort of choice between do we get the social change first , which gives rise to a different kind of people , better people , or do we first of all change the people so that they 're capable of making a better world and of course it 's a catch twenty two , is n't it ?
15 The National Health Service provides an excellent example of an organisation facing the problem of making a best fit with its environment .
16 Food was still rationed and it was very much a question of making the best use of available resources and we had absolutely unlimited demand — a very false situation as it turned out when you think about what happened to British industry afterwards .
17 From then on , you 'll be sure of making the best use of electricity on the cheap night rate .
18 Students and business people alike are faced with the challenge of making the best use of their time .
19 A good caddie also has to be something of a psychologist , knowing when to cajole his player into making a better effort ; calming him down when he 's just three-putted or blazed a drive into the rough ; or steadying him up from being over-confident or over-zealous when the adrenalin is flowing after a couple of good holes .
20 It is important to be able to recover composure after stress , to forget the low turn , and to get on with making a good landing .
21 bases on which he arrives at a decision that he may sometimes find considerable difficulty in making a good case on paper for some action he may have taken , even though he feels , and subsequent events may prove , that action to have been perfectly correct .
22 The weathermen are your best ally in making a good decision and probably the best coastal forecasts are those provided by ‘ Marineline ’ .
23 These result suggest that most elderly patients have some difficulty in making the best use of eye-drops .
24 The old idea of marketing , which in many cases was little more than selling , focused on making a better product that was easier to sell .
25 On Saturday and Sunday , however , Sheppard will be concentrating on making a good start to the long-course season , and improving upon her seventh place in the sprint freestyle Grand Prix category .
26 So intent was she on making a good impression , she failed to see a crane coming towards her .
27 They was on making a good living and still do I think .
28 There is a natural logic to such a structure in that management can reasonably be said to be about making the best use of the resources available and , to this extent , is a normal part of the clinical process .
29 What their assets are worth is relevant for decisions about making the best use of them .
30 Included are some suggestions for making the best use of the opportunities and for overcoming the problems .
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