Example sentences of "[prep] go [adv prt] to a " in BNC.

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1 whether they were in favour of going on to a second cycle of review and reporting and if so whether reports should deal only with a particular aspect of the school ;
2 Associate Members should get ground tickets for Wimbledon as a right instead of going in to a ballot .
3 It is also worth going along to a beauty salon a month or so in advance to have your make-up done .
4 It 's not much fun , you 're chained to the wall — it 's like going back to a medieval library .
5 Whereas people once felt that there must be a certain desperation in answering magazine ‘ lonely heart ’ advertisements or in going along to a dating bureau , nowadays these channels are seen as a practical way of finding a new friend or suitable lover .
6 HAVING done all the hard work in bowling out for 158 a Bellville XI bolstered by four Western Province players , Scotland failed to score quickly enough in going down to a second defeat , by 13 runs , on their South African tour yesterday .
7 David Macdonald made a series of quota quickies before going on to a larger budget with the striking comedy-thriller This Man is News ( 1938 ) , and Michael Powell built a reputation as a director of energetic quota films before making his mainstream début with Edge of the World ( 1937 ) , about the depopulation of a remote island in the Shetlands .
8 The President 's choice to succeed Mr Frohnmayer must be confirmed by the Subcommittee on Education , Arts and the Humanities , then pass a hearing held by the Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources , before going on to a Senate vote .
9 But it is important to be aware of the limitations of the statistical concept of style before going on to a more realistic assessment of its value .
10 There will also be a ‘ menu ’ of six visits from which visitors can choose before going on to a buffet supper with members of the Faculty .
11 Dr Jan Hulsker had told him that after Vincent 's departure from The Hague , Sien had given custody of the baby Willem to her brother , Pieter Hoornik , before going back to a life of casual prostitution and drink .
12 It has n't been a disastrous trip for me , but I got in a few times without going on to a really big score . ’
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