Example sentences of "[prep] you [adv] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I was talking about you today in English
2 got going for you now of course , is you have a very , or a fairly good idea of what you 're strong at and what you are weak at , or what you , one part of the weaknesses is planning things , and analysing things .
3 Is there a faithful partner waiting for you back at home , cara ?
4 When I am so self-centred that I would not dream of asking the Spirit for his strength , preferring to go my own way , I am encouraged to recall that ‘ God is at work in you both to will and to work for his good pleasure ’ ( Phil .
5 This is where the future lies however you have to deal with the particular problems of Maastricht and all the rest and on this side , and it really was very moving that , in a way by chance , but you know again I believe I think sometimes God is in you better of course
6 Oh yeah I want that Lego set from you then from Fudge and Father Christmas I 'd like a man each .
7 ‘ And if ye will not for all this hearken unto me , but walk contrary unto me , ’ he read out , ‘ then will I walk contrary unto you also in fury ; and I , even I , will chastise you seven times for your sins .
8 If it was the be-all-and-end-all then it would probably be difficult to talk to you objectively about failure , for example .
9 He will talk to you generally about investment advice and during the break you 'll be able to talk to him you 'll be able to ask questions .
10 Could I just remind members of the board of the next two meetings which are at the bottom of the er a a agenda and were given to you previously of course .
11 I 'm not giving it to you out of charity , I 'm giving it as a present to my son .
12 It also seeks your approval to the which has been undertaken by respective chief officers , during the current financial year , in which , is why I 'm reporting to you now in accordance with the national regulations .
13 If you just stand around waiting for the enemy to come to you then of course your ladz will get bored , and naturally they 'll start to get a bit fractious , then inevitably they 'll end up failing an Animosity test probably just when you do n't want them to .
14 Definitely something to keep by you just in case .
15 Delving into her bag , Cara extracted a few cards from her wallet and passed them over to her , and while Fabia , who knew her sister went by her maiden name in her job , was looking at the printed cards that announced ‘ Cara Kingsdale , Verity magazine ’ , Cara was suggesting , ‘ Keep those by you just in case Mr Gajdusek wants proof that you represent Verity .
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