Example sentences of "[prep] i and [verb] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 He rolls off me and passes out on the pillow , the smell of his drunkenness lingering like something live .
2 I little knew then what the future held for me and looking back I can see what a lot I had to learn .
3 I let him work the slot screen for me and point out the sights .
4 I decided that it was not for me and moved over to accountancy — I had always been reasonable at maths — working for the Co-op and attending college part time .
5 I mean to move on silently escaping , but I crash straight into a trolley , pushed by a bloke looking like one of the heavyweights in a James Bond film , so I leap away at speed as he snarls after me and knock over a pile of bean tins .
6 What would I have done , I would have asked her to er get out of the bed , walk towards me and come out into the hall way where she could have been looked after by one of the other officers , and al allow me to get on with my main task in hand .
7 He pushed past me and ran out of the house .
8 in front of me and throw out carton into the road , winds his window up again .
9 I feared that without him I would batten down the hatches of the physical part of me and crawl back inside the shell which I had built around myself in the three years before he blew through my life .
10 It 's a glorious , peaceful summer day — why ca n't you just lie back like me and soak up some of those gorgeous golden rays ? ’
11 Then you can come and sit near me and find out whether they will be of any use .
12 ‘ Yeah , well , ’ Andy says , coming to stand near me and look out over the water .
13 Because you 're secretly dying to press that delightful body up against me and find out how it feels ? ’
14 The 21-year-old McCracken , who makes his debut in tomorrow 's home game with Wakefield , said : ‘ I 've come to England with a bit of a reputation but I want to put all that behind me and get on with playing rugby and improving my game .
15 Marie comes behind me and looks over my shoulder .
16 ‘ Then come with me and pick up the latest reports .
17 But I 've come a long way and er so I 'll go back next er Wednesday to the department and er er if people will bear with me and put up with it er I 'll take it er fairly slowly to start with but I dare say there will come a time when er erm you wo n't notice much difference .
18 I have a nutritionist who travels with me and works out a daily menu .
19 In my groin there are twitchy , random jolts like the shorting of a fuse , as though a spatula has been thrust into me and wrapped around my uterus like a corkscrew .
20 He swivelled his chair away from me and stared out of the window .
21 He stopped a little way away from me and fell down on the grass and hid his face in his arms .
22 He pushed away from me and stood up and stumbled over to a wooden chest , tearing one of its drawers right out so that it crashed to the carpeted floor and a load of jumpers fell out .
23 I just stay there , squatting down and the woman gives me a funny look and tugs the little girl 's hand and they walk round me and go off down the road .
24 when we us the last two and that one exploded on me I had this and it goes and exploded all over me and went over
25 The trainer leaned over me and peered down at the leg .
26 The skinny man walked over to me and stuck out his hand .
27 For instance , I recall one evening he came to me and took out a matchbox and he gave it a couple of shakes ; I thought there were matches inside , hut he opened the box and inside were some very evil-looking pills , about the size of , or a little larger , than a Beecham 's pill .
28 The female , Vicky , came to me and bent down so that I could look again into her grey eyes .
29 ‘ You 've been lying to me and covering up for them all along .
30 But Mother must have known how precious dollies were to me and set about making me a black one taking the pattern from my old one , which I called Cuddles .
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