Example sentences of "[prep] a [noun pl] [noun] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 — he takes his Wife and Bairns with him , a Waggon the size of a Squatters Cabin and all such apparatus as will imcumber [ sic ] him not a little — he has never travelled in the Woods , never salted his rump Stakes [ sic ] with Gun Powder and how he will take to it , will be a ‘ sin to Crockett ’ .
2 However the compartmentalized approach , rather reminiscent of that followed by Goudie ( 1981b ) , may not be as integrative as Douglas would hope , although the use of a systems paradigm and energy flows as discussed in chapter 7 ( p. 153 ) may provide a more integrative solution .
3 MR JUSTICE MILLETT said that the particular question was whether a decision of a commons commissioner that certain land was not registrable as common land because it formed part of a highway was capable of giving rise to an estoppel per rem judicatam so as to preclude the landowner from afterwards asserting , in proceedings unconnected with the register , that the land in question did not form part of a highway .
4 Shareholders will be asked to renew the authority of the Directors to allot and issue the Ordinary Share capital in the Company and to renew , until the Annual General Meeting in 1994 , the authority not to apply the strict statutory pre-emption provisions in the events of a Rights Issue or in any other issue up to an aggregate of 5 per cent of the issued Ordinary Share Capital as at 31 December 1992 .
5 Financing the bid by means of a rights issue or cash underwritten alternative has the advantage of increasing the equity base of the offeror and improving gearing .
6 The use of limit pricing can lead to considerable differences between the settlement price of a futures contract and the underlying equilibrium price .
7 Strategy 2 involves the purchase of a futures contract and the investment of a sum of money equal to the value of the cash index purchased under strategy 1 ( i.e. P s ) at the money market rate of interest .
8 He reminded her of a clothes peg-selling or paper-flower-hawking gipsy , who would raid the henhouse or seduce the maids or steal the washing from the line or all three together .
9 Things have gone er , better for women they have , in the restoration of a women publishers and there were n't any in last century , you know i er things go they seem to swing backwards and forwards all the time .
10 This may not fall quite so easily into the category of a communications medium as you see it , but its relevance will be glaringly obvious later .
11 The discovery of chemical substitutes led to the founding of a dyestuffs industry and helped the mills develop into extended factory production , gradually mechanizing processes which had hitherto been done by outworkers in their own homes .
12 The success of a sports team or personality often relies on the hard work of those unseen figures behind the scenes — the manager and the coach .
13 He was just as at home behind the wheel of a Sports Car as he was in a Grand Prix car , and his passion for all branches of the sport possible hindered his quest for the world title .
14 But the six ministers did draft a joint proposal for the pooling of information and work on the uses of nuclear energy , and for the establishment of a customs union that would lead to a common market .
15 The successful creation of the European Coal and Steel Community in 1951 was followed by formation of the European Economic Community and Euratom in 1957 , and the introduction of a customs union and the Common Agricultural Policy in 1968 .
16 Unfortunately the statement of Balassa made some years ago still remains true , " there exists no wholly satisfactory way of measuring the effect of a customs union or free trade area on trade flows .
17 A week later , when the NILP delegation was received , the Nationalists were able to achieve concrete results by having six important motions accepted , including acceptance of a points system and a committee for the allocation of houses .
18 Hence the monopolist will produce exactly the same output as in the absence of a profits tax and , facing the same demand curve , will charge the same price as before .
19 Thousands of pounds worth of antiques are filling the cells of a police station while officers try to find out whether they were stolen .
20 We have seen charts that describe the organisational chart of a police authority and yet miss off the lowly police constable .
21 In January 1988 Leeds crown court excluded statements by the accused with the result that he was acquitted of the murder of a police sergeant and the attempted murder of a constable .
22 His face and body were a mass of bruises after he had been attacked at his home by a forty-strong mob who were preparing to lynch him in the remains of his once beautiful garden when the military had arrived and bundled him into the back of a police van and brought him to La Tambier .
23 For a major chemicals company aiming to be an all-rounder , the sheer size of a petrochemicals operation and the cash it can generate is needed to complement the higher-value but far lower-tonnage manufacture of such products as pharmaceuticals .
24 Right , erm , what happens then , Philip , if the client says to you , and it 's unlikely with Covermaster , but it 's the same principle if you 're talking of a savings plan or a pension , erm , I do n't like the idea of my money being invested in a managed fund , I 've been reading the financial press , and I 'm very interested and excited at the thought of the Japanese market going up through the roof .
25 appointment of a securities trustee or scheme operator
26 The onset of open kitchen fast food catering , as introduced by the Americal multi-outlets , has shown that cleanliness can be a central part of an operators product and marketing strategy — grubby kitchens invariably produce grubby food .
27 Clamp it between the two parts of an algae magnet and sink it to the bottom of the tank .
28 It has been suggested that the presence of an arms dealer and a minister engaged in selling arms , makes such an illegal cargo less implausible .
29 Sponsorship of an Arts Week and Events Week enabled both to take place , and the donation of physical resources is gratefully received .
30 It is not like a pools entry when one can mark an X for no publicity .
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