Example sentences of "[prep] a [noun sg] [verb] some " in BNC.

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1 It is pure irony that after a climb involving some of the most sustained smooth rock that I 'd ever encountered , the finish involved a traverse of wire cable attached to a telepherique station , a swing down and across metal laddering and a hand-traverse of the spars which guide the telepherique into its housing .
2 The position would have been very different in the case of a payment made some years before which was sought to be recovered because a court in another case had ruled that the regulation under which the demand had been made had all along been ultra vires .
3 The Harlequin man had invaded Jaq 's Imperial Tarot with the slickness of a lashworm snatching some flesh from a passer-by , and now that damned individual was contemptuously trailing his cloak for Jaq to follow .
4 The stomach of a Troll contains some of the most powerful acids known in the Old World , and its digestive juices are highly valued by alchemists and wizards .
5 The choice of a name caused some division of opinion but it was agreed that the word ‘ youth ’ should be used , and as the Merseyside group had publicized ‘ youth hostels ’ , this stuck .
6 The prosecution case against the three ( and against four other persons ) rested solely on the inconsistency studded testimony of a man convicted some months earlier of four murders and eleven robberies .
7 Typically , you use an analysis or description of a text to claim some kind of connection between the features analysed and something else about the text , such as its meaning , its effect on a reader , how good it is , or its historical origins .
8 Telling the truth about something is an action , caused , like all actions , by a combination of desire and belief : in this case , of a desire to tell some truth and a belief about what the relevant truth is .
9 Born out of a need to have some form of remote means to neutralise a device , it has been developed throughout the present campaign to its current form , the Mark 8 .
10 None the less , the sense of a need to provide some kind of discourse on literary quality is evident from the earliest issues of the journal .
11 Pollution expert Michael Bradley said that oil companies were " all of a sudden doing some very amazing refinements to gasoline " , because they feared that the substitution of alternatives such as methanol would be made compulsory .
12 The notion of a profession implies some continuity of values and attitudes , which form the ground-rules for the transactions between colleagues and between practitioner and client .
13 What might be called ‘ external ’ interpretation or construction was the subject of Section 2 : jurists resort to construction , when there is evidently an intention on the part of a testator to achieve some object by means of some legal institution , in order to embody that intention in a legal framework .
14 And she had a wa , hell of a job to get some money from them !
15 The formulation of a claim to register some need presupposes a response , but the identity of the respondent might be problematic .
16 The width of a band gives some idea of the size of the molecule involved .
17 I 've thought of an idea to bring some extra money in the house . ’
18 The Director will not intervene lightly , since it was the intention of the statute to preserve the right of an individual to have some recourse .
19 Mann was also followed in Raviraj ( 1987 ) 85 Cr.App.R. 93 , where the unsuccessful contention on appeal was that the admission of an interview containing some answers and some refusals to comment amounted to a breach of the right to silence .
20 What the Firearms Act provides is a series of inchoate or preventive offences which criminalize conduct even before it has reached the stage of an attempt to commit some substantive offence .
21 She had found him a bit too inclined to enthuse , like a tourist visiting some primitive culture , while Polly was ‘ tense ’ .
22 Lewis is looking for a catalyst to recapture some of its original vigour and purpose .
23 If you had to choose a place for a factory making some similar consumer goods , perhaps pop records , which city , on either side of the Pennines , do you think would be best , and why ?
24 But with half an hour gone the poor quality of United 's final ball had left Cantona stranded and still looking for a chance to put some flesh on Ferguson 's bold predictions .
25 Turn to page 11 for a chance to win some fabulous Adidas gear .
26 Later they will look for a pretext to create some kind of dispute and then utilise certain international organizations they control to carry out intervention against the Cuban people .
27 I had been trying for a year to obtain some black Amazon wood for my Discus tank , but my local dealers did not stock it .
28 A sketch with a few rough dimensions may be enough for a man to trim some timber into a frame for a house .
29 One point that has to be made straight away , is that it is not a good idea to start buying the components for a project published some time ago unless you are certain that all the components are still available ( even up-to-the-minute designs can suffer from supply problems with components — see Everyday Readout in this issue ) .
30 PARIS — The wave of strikes that has gripped France for a month showed some signs of abating yesterday as prison officers agreed to go back to work , writes Sarah Lambert .
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