Example sentences of "[prep] and [verb] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It is really for a business with more than three vehicles to look after and keep track of .
2 This provokes awareness of and gives practice in those features of language which provide links within sentences or across sentence boundaries : the glue that makes them stick together .
3 motivation for the learner to make sense of and acquire control over language and the power it can have ;
4 He moved towards and took hold of her gently by the shoulders , forcing her to turn and look at him .
5 But after the race riots it was seen as something which the state would have both to cater for and take control of .
6 Censorship is an unprofessional act , and anyone who deliberately calls for and takes part in censorship has no place in the profession .
7 He has searched for and found treasure on every continent ( except Antarctica ) , and he has dived for treasure in every ocean .
8 The keys to good interviewing in all cases are thorough preparation , knowing exactly what you are looking for and having confidence in your own judgement .
9 ‘ For 10 minutes they attempted to engage Anthony in conversation before explicitly asking him to work for and provide information to them .
10 Several weeks later he was approached by the same man and a colleague in a Dungannon street , when he was ‘ explicitly asked to work for and provide information for them . ’
11 The small shock of surprise disturbed her judgement for a moment , and the awareness of feeling and looking disconcerted inclined her to resent him , and to look for and find impudence in an approach which would have seemed perfectly excusable in a resident scholar .
12 The criterion-referencing of assessments is not an essential feature of graded tests , but it is an approach which has been strongly recommended because it is intended to make clearer the targets which pupils need to aim for and to provide information on achievements for parents , teachers and employers .
13 Immediately the sonorous booming of the sea flowed into and took possession of the room like a vibrating and irresistible force .
14 In that case shut the f*ck up and go report on something else ’ .
15 We need at least forty thousand signatures before we can even attempt to , to do anything with and get publicity round that .
16 Reliance was placed on Director of Public Prosecutions v. Ellis [ 1973 ] 1 W.L.R. 722 , where it was held that the fact that two accused persons had been prosecuted to conviction did not mean that the purposes of Part I of the Act , namely securing compliance with and detecting evasion of the Act , were spent ; and that accordingly it was still open to the authorities to employ their powers to obtain information relative to the same transaction from another person .
17 So what s what , well let let's get on to something a bit more s as it were specific , I mean what sort of things are you , are you behind with and having difficulty with then ?
18 Of course work in these area interacted with and monitored work in Education proper , but the degree of activity outside Education departments is very striking in this period .
19 Into the discussions of partnership in validation , the ‘ blue book ’ and the possibility of new validation arrangements with ‘ mature ’ institutions were fed the varied attempts to draw lessons from and conduct dialogue around the specific difficulties encountered over the Teesside visit .
20 Every week she was expected to clean the house right through and make the dinners , while the grandmother had her outing to Edinburgh : ‘ she had jist t'come in and sit doon like a lady . ’
21 Gibson ( 1940 ) also assumed that stimulus differentiation , once it had occurred , would transfer to and facilitate performance on a new task involving the same stimuli .
22 In February 1987 Mr. Tucker was transferred to and became manager of a branch of Barclays Bank at Woolwich .
23 But most important the councils should listen to and take notice of those who have a track record of work on racial harassment , rather than just implementing paper policies .
24 For example , in Littlewoods Organisation Ltd v Harris [ 1978 ] 1 All ER 1026 Megaw LJ said : … it is appropriate that a covenant , restricting an employee from full freedom of taking other employment when he leaves his existing employment , should be included in the contract of employment where there is a real danger that the employee will in the course of that employment have access to and gain information about matters which could fairly be regarded as trade secrets ; and that applies even though the information may be carried in his head and even though ( perhaps , particularly though ) it may be extremely difficult for the employee himself , being an honest and scrupulous man , to realise that what he is passing on to his new employers is matter which ought to be treated as confidential to his old employers .
25 I am grateful both to the Education spokespersons who put a great deal of time in , in order to carry out erm their preparations towards this report and to and to take part in the consultation exercises and to my own colleagues .
26 showing an increasing ability to function collaboratively — eg involving others in a discussion ; listening to and giving weight to the opinions of others ; perceiving the relevance of contributions ; timing contributions ; adjusting and adapting to feedback ;
27 Mainz Cathedral is immense and was altered in later periods when the crossing towers were rebuilt in different styles and houses were constructed abutting on to and becoming part of the cathedral flanks .
28 There are things certain things I 'm committed to and to have time off means I still got to be able to do those things .
29 Someone who 's not two years old , or has to be catered to and taken care of … .
30 It is commonly accepted that part of a nurse 's functions is to be sensitive to and provide care for the psychological needs of patients , achieved in part through interpersonal relationships .
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