Example sentences of "[prep] be [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 After being on the receiving end of the challenge which brought Marsh 's late dismissal , he allowed Piatnitski to complete a night which showed the strides the home side must make if it is to re-establish itself as a European force .
2 After being among the first of the former Soviet republics to fight to free itself from the embrace of Moscow , it has now come full circle with the recognition that it must look East as well as West for its own benefit .
3 These rocks are covered in algae after being in a small tank under an ordinary 60 watt bulb and not containing fish .
4 There is plenty of scope for walking or climbing in the Outer Isles and on the mainland , and the exercise is often welcome after being in the cramped quarters of a small boat .
5 A new name will appear on the Buckhurst Hill Trophy for the runners up ; after being in the top ten for some time Solihull made a quantum leap to a net total of £27,015 .
6 He thought he 'd got too much club for his second shot on the 17th , and he did n't hit it all that hard — a 5-iron — so he came up short of the green , after being in the left-hand semi-rough .
7 ( Died of Parkinson 's disease and pneumonia aged 73 within 24 hours of being readmitted to hospital after being in an old people 's home for less than a month . )
8 House Funnily enough I was going to say to you when we were out at erm Dartington instead of buying that ice cream , we should of had a cup of tea probably would of been about the same price , and so
9 Yes , we had the Labour candidate knocking on our door yesterday and I think John must of been in a right foul mood , cos he he says come in and talk to me
10 , I mean a woman that frightened we all be seething inside and of course seeing him asleep in a drunken stupor to think now 's my chance , she must of been in a terrible state emotionally
11 That would of been in the fifties
12 At the time of Leathart 's survey , Taylor 's Level had been carried on for some 210 fathoms , and was then about 35 fathoms short of being below the deepening sump in the floor of Fleming 's .
13 But every woman makes a choice about her appearance ; she is exercising the power of the Queen of Beauty , which is to express qualities of being through the physical medium .
14 The experience of being at a full-blown Quaker school made a profound impression on me .
15 But the underlying idea of being at a loose end , or out of the practical swim , is a different matter altogether .
16 There is now no doubt that those societies who were not represented will deeply regret the step they adopted , for those would-be representatives have missed having had the honour of being at the best gathering ever held in the annals of the deaf and dumb . "
17 The logo and style are designed to reflect the best traditions of the Board and its policy of being at the leading edge of education for industry and commerce internationally .
18 In the end my parents agreed that I could go up for one year instead of being at the Royal College of Music .
19 Collection of a library of photographs of known and unfamiliar faces that can then be selected on the basis of being of a similar degree of familiarity , of similar appearance , or of similar occupation .
20 This gave the impression of being on a different plane altogether — or even a different train altogether — and most passengers would soon pass by .
21 Caspar said , in a rather flat voice , ‘ At least we can be sure of being on the right road . ’
22 The same indescribable appearance of the eyes , probably caused by the constant lack of sleep and the strain of being on the alert all the time .
23 Though soon to be exposed to Nazi atrocities as returning soldiers and the world 's press became free to speak , he enjoyed the feeling of being on the winning side , of seeing his country 's troops and their allies making strong progress across Europe .
24 Even though the NSDAP was to achieve its majority in the Danzig Volkstag with a very clear mandate from the electorate to do what it thought necessary , most Danzigers were prepared to reap the benefits of being on the winning side without pondering too deeply the significance or morality of their own personal support for a party they did not entirely trust or like .
25 It is important to begin with this sense of perspective , lest the impression be given that politics exists only for the benefit of those who practise it — a kind of hobby ( or , better still , paid profession ) for an educated élite who compete among themselves for the ‘ prize ’ of being on the winning side that forms the next government .
26 The consequences of being on the receiving end of such a notice are , of course , little less severe than when an expulsion is put into effect .
27 ‘ Raised ’ from the ruck , originally , by his family 's wealth , he does n't want to ‘ sink ’ , and rejects ‘ the idea of defeat ’ that prevails in the Third World : ‘ I 'm tired of being on the losing side .
28 ‘ There was something subduing in the influence of that silent and solemn and awful presence ( the Jungfrau ) … one had the sense of being under the brooding contemplation of spirit , not an inert mass of rocks and ice — a spirit which had looked down , through the slow drift of ages , upon a million vanished races of men , and judged them ; and would judge a million more — and still be there , watching , unchanged and unchangeable after all life should be gone and the earth had become a vacant desolation . ’
29 For front projection , the projector is still threaded up reversing left and right , as in rear projection ( it is put in the ‘ wrong ’ way round in order to come out correct in the final composite ) ; but instead of being behind a translucent screen it s in front of , and to one side of , a glass beaded screen which reflects nearly 100 per cent of the light falling on it but on y in the direction from which it came Though the projector is at 90° to the camera-screen axis and its beam is therefore initially parallel to the plane of the screen , passing in front of the actors in the foreground this beam is deflected by a half-silvered mirror at an angle of 45° to the beam This semi-transparent mirror is coated at the front ( unlike normal mirrors , coated behind the glass ) with a very thin layer of aluminium — silver tarnishes too easily Alternatively , the layer of aluminium may be spattered on , so that tiny reflective spots of metal are interspersed with tiny transparent gaps So , although it reflects the beam , the camera can photograph both the action and the reflection from the screen through the mirror Though the mirror reflects the still or moving image from the projector on to the actors and any foreground props or sets as well as on to the screen , the level of illumination of the image is much less than that on the actors , so the camera records only that part of the image reflected from the screen .
30 They accused Islamic fundamentalists of being behind the military regime with the aim of promoting fundamentalism in the region .
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