Example sentences of "[prep] the same time take " in BNC.

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1 There is no point in reading quickly , however , unless you are able at the same time to take in the meaning of what you are reading .
2 Then you can begin to introduce new ideas gradually , one by one , being willing at the same time to take ‘ no ’ for an answer if they are definitely opposed to change of any kind , since this is their right and must be respected .
3 Those international lawyers , such as Brownlie , who are sceptical about the legality of nuclear weapons use , but who at the same time take a practical view of the law and see it as closely related to what states actually do , are in something of a bind , as they do not hesitate to acknowledge .
4 If we now ask how we could discover that all action is to be explained in non-intentional terms , and at the same time take the point that it could not be non-intentional in the way that mad or childish behaviour is , it seems that we should have to come to see all action quite differently .
5 Dbits must also support standard SQL , and at the same time take advantage of the features of the chosen database , not impose their own ‘ virtual ’ database , thereby negating the purpose in running a particular type of database at all .
6 Do you really think I 'd do that — take money from you for doing one thing , and at the same time take money from someone else to do the opposite ? ’
7 I was shouting and screaming for help and at the same time taking off my coat and wellingtons , preparing to jump in after her .
8 Vicom says it incurred massive debt during the development its own proprietary visualisation line whilst at the same time taking over Sun 's products , and could n't attract the new development capital it required .
9 If you grant racist ideologies their own relatively autonomous conditions of existence , however , you might be inclined to give a higher priority to educational or cultural issues , whilst at the same time taking care , not to bracket out their links to other dimensions of racism .
10 ‘ I 'll take him up to his bed , Cissie , ’ Beth told her , at the same time taking the boy by the hand and leading him towards the door .
11 First , it was reformulated in theories of political development and modernization which were , however , more restricted in their scope in several ways ; by confining the notion of development largely to the ‘ developing countries ’ , and at the same time taking as their model of a ‘ modern ’ developed society the existing Western industrial countries , as if these countries had reached the limit of their historical development .
12 In the light of the accountability angle of the LEA scheme , to have avoided subjecting school policies and personnel to critical scrutiny whilst at the same time taking advantage of the appraisal to engage in special pleading over staffing and resources , seems to have been a sensible and shrewd strategy .
13 Lord Fraser contends that the reforms will ‘ ensure the continuation of reasonable access to legal aid for the most needy , while at the same time taking action to control the rate of growth in legal aid expenditure . ’
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