Example sentences of "[prep] the first [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 By 1942 , when family allowances were debated for the first tune in Parliament , the principle had acquired supporters of most shades of political opinion .
2 The Literary Lionisers , having commanded their maids and valets , if they had them , to unpack , or if they had not , scurried through this tedious task themselves , were gathering for the first event of the week , the promenade around Dickens 's Broadstairs .
3 The major waterway in Blockley is the Blockley Brook , which forms the water course for the first mill in Blockley , Dovedale Mill , now called Dovedale House .
4 Just a few of the many comments received from those who attended the very successful Easter Course , held for the first tile at Norwich City College .
5 If a pup from the England A team should over-pitch the new ball , then , sure as eggs are eggs , England 's captain will tonk it back past him and set off for the first runs of 1992 .
6 If a pup from the England A team should over-pitch the new ball , then , sure as eggs are eggs , England 's captain will tonk it back past him and set off for the first runs of 1992 .
7 ‘ It is projected to average £33 billion annually to the turn of the century and grow to £45 billion a year for the first decade of the new century .
8 For the first decade in which hydrogels were used as biomaterials , it was only poly ( 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate ) — polyHEMA — that found any widespread application , whereas in the eye a relatively wide variety of compounds were examined .
9 When the ground was marshy , brushwood and timber provided a ‘ raft ’ for the first layer of stones .
10 Of the elite , only hurdler Colin Jackson and 200 metres man John Regis are entered for the first championships to be staged in Birmingham 's new National Indoor Arena since the move from nearby Cosford .
11 His mind recalled the familiar ambience of his trade ; men moving like black shadows behind the glare of the arc-lights the police cars tidily parked ; the flap of the screens , desultory voices conferring as they watched for the first lights of his approaching car .
12 These meetings were a dress-rehearsal for the first session of the Council .
13 In 1980 , a group of young musicians met in the University for the first rehearsal of what has since become one of the country 's leading brass ensembles .
14 The minutes dragged while they listened for the first hum of the approaching helicopter .
15 The plates were developed for the first migration in a solvent saturated chamber consisting of chloroform/methanol/ammonium hydrate/water 184:105:7.5:7.5 vol and then dried in cold air .
16 As for the first reactions from employees and visitors to the Taste Sensation launch preview , said : ‘ Most people have been very positive about it . ’
17 Before lining up for the first race of the season it 's off to the now-standard bits-and-bobs shop , where you can spend up to $100,000 upgrading your jalopy .
18 The figures deepened City anxiety over the outlook for inflation which is now expected to end the year between 7.5 and 7.75 per cent and remain above 7 per cent for the first quarter of 1990 .
19 The SD report for the first quarter of 1939 mentioned the speech only in the context of factors influencing the German press to fix attention firmly on foreign policy developments , and made a brief reference to Hitler 's remarks on the ‘ Church problem ’ .
20 Later this month , it will announce an operating profit for the first quarter of 1992 , the second quarter running in which it has been profitable : the last quarter of 1991 produced a small profit of $80 million , although the year as a whole showed a $1.4 billion loss on turnover of $8.6 billion .
21 Sterling Chemicals announced a 97 per cent fall in net profits to $700000 for the first quarter of 1992 compared to the previous year .
22 He reckons we are going into it on the last of the downward slope this winter , and then will run along on level ground for the first quarter of 1993 .
23 Leeds-based CST Distribution , the Acer Group Altos arm of CST Group Ltd has reported booming sales figures for the first quarter of 1993 .
24 Cap Gemini Sogeti SA said turnover for the first quarter of 1993 fell 2.7% to the equivalent of $537m .
25 The Vodafone Ltd arm of Vodafone Group Plc says gross new connections for its British cellular telephone network for the first quarter of 1993 totalled 92,775 ; net new connections totalled 43,911 , and at the end of the quarter , Vodafone had more than 838,000 subscribers connected to its cellular network , 85,000 of them on the new LowCall tariff that it launched in October .
26 In the second release , set for the first quarter of 1994 , comprehensive internetwork management capabilities will be added , enabling the network management system to discover , display and maintain the physical and logical topology of all major network devices automatically .
27 Compagnie des Machines Bull SA , facing probably the biggest crisis in its history now that it is confronted with an administration not prepared to pour ever more good taxpayers ' money after bad ( CI No 2,166 ) , yesterday reported that turnover for the first quarter of the year crashed by 10.6% , to the equivalent of $943m ; sales slumped 16.5% to $422m and rentals and services fell 5.1% to $521m .
28 A spokesman at IBM Corp 's East European headquarters in Vienna claimed that the company exceeded the internal sales targets set for the first quarter of 1993 , and succeeded in increasing its turnover in the region by around 30% when compared with the same period last year .
29 Reporting first quarter figures for the first time — nothing like good news to encourage such a move — SGS-Thomson Microelectronics NV said net profit for the first quarter of 1993 was $24.4m on sales up 28.1% at $439m ; in the year to December 31 it had net profit of $3m compared with a loss of $102.6m the year before ; first quarter orders soared by 91.2% to $726.8m .
30 Chevron 's net profits for the first quarter of this year ( adjusted for changes in accounting ) were $101m , 47% higher than for the same period a year earlier .
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