Example sentences of "[prep] which [noun sg] [modal v] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 The Americans and their allies have always made it plain that January 15th was merely the point after which war would become authorised , not necessarily the date for attack .
2 The two men , who are close friends , originally bought the painting together , each agreeing to give the other possession for 30 months , after which Pantino would sell his half to Thyssen .
3 If judicial divisions and controversial judgments are in any case inevitable , the pragmatist asks , why should the controversy not be about what really matters , about which decision will produce the least inefficient practice or the fewest occasions of injustice in the future ?
4 Of course , the electorate may not be fools , and they may pass rough judgements at the polls about which party may govern " better " in the future in the light of past performance and potential promise , but there is little point in our pretending that we can " explain " voting behaviour on the basis of the electoral appeal of party programmes even though this is the way politicians and the media often tend to present the essence of electoral politics and party choice .
5 The most important recent book on convention , for instance , discusses conventions about which party should call back when a telephone call is disconnected .
6 Studies of children who learn music successfully suggest that whilst routines are important , there is also a case for ‘ focused periods ’ during which music might occupy longer and more sustained periods of attention — as part of a project , for example , or in preparation for a performance .
7 Dickinson , a cautious man , advocated limited innovations — in particular an agreement among states to observe a cooling-off period in international disputes , during which mediation could proceed and public opinion could mobilize against war .
8 St Francis 's own mystical experience centred on his understanding of , and identification with , Christ the crucified redeemer ( he received the stigmata in a visionary experience at the end of his life ) , and at the heart of the theology of his followers was a stress on penance as a sacrament through which man can bring his nature into conformity with Christ .
9 The ratio can rise either as a result of an increase in OM or through a fall in P. The only route through which OM can rise is a temporary budget deficit financed by the issue of fiat money .
10 The positive or scientific method was ( or would be ) the triumph of the last of the stages through which mankind must pass — in Comte 's terms , the theological , the metaphysical and the scientific ; each with its own institutions , of which Mill and Spencer at least agreed that liberalism ( in the broadest sense ) was the suitable expression .
11 They had their own windows with dark blue oil-cloth roller-blinds through which Dot could see into the compartment of the train alongside just like looking over at a next-door house .
12 The emphasis on ‘ directed ’ research is mine and indicates the reduced potential for any ethnographic sedition , for which force would seek to direct officers to the critical analysis of its subcultural idiosyncrasies ?
13 The temperature at which water droplets begin to condense is called the dew-point — literally , the temperature below which dew will form .
14 The generic mixings and mutations , however , towards which television may have an aesthetic and an economic inclination do seem to provide the grounds for specific forms of parody .
15 Once they think they have a clear idea of which holiday would sell best to the public , they promote and market it .
16 Further thought reveals however that it is not so simple , and that there are several stages , at any one of which error can occur which breaks a link in the chain of communication ( Fig. 7.2 ) .
17 In a piece of fancy footwork of which Gekko would have been proud , America 's fat cats have capped a record year by undermining President-Elect Bill Clinton 's plans to soak the rich , before he has even set foot in the White House .
18 The accelerators wo n't go on to Sun 's price lists and there is no money changing hands in the relationship apart from some joint marketing and advertising of which Sun will bear the brunt .
19 Policy discussions at ministerial level appeared to focus mainly on the hoary old issues of which agency should take lead responsibility , ’ but finally , in 1989 , the government took a decision which was considered unthinkable only a year earlier , that is , that local authority social services departments should be given lead responsibility for community care and for all services including mental health , but with some additional controls added in the latter case , the single most controversial of Griffiths ' proposals .
20 And it is not all a question of which policy will provide homes for the future .
21 Obviously there are other aspects of intelligent behaviour , some of which Bali may discourage ; perhaps a time will come when he tells himself ‘ I 've run away from a big world to a little one , I was wrong ’ .
22 Expenditure was set at KD3,600 million ; revenue KD2,400 million ( of which oil would account for over 85 per cent ) ; the budget deficit was estimated at KD1,200 million .
23 The scheme ( details of which ABTA will supply on request ) provides for a simple and inexpensive method of arbitration on documents alone with restricted liability on the customer in respect of costs .
24 It was a question of which faction would win , that which was at least potentially pro-English and Protestant , or that which wanted to maintain the status quo , pro-French and Catholic .
25 Whether the emphasis in mystical theology is on the interaction of those God-given human faculties which are understood as an image of his being and the means by which man may realise the love and truth manifested in the Incarnation , or on the essential unknowability of the transcendent source from whence that love and truth emanated in time , there is common ground between the two approaches in the sense of a dynamic with which man may engage .
26 There 's an article of the Constitution which lays down the fields with which Parliament may concern itself .
27 That is a matter of social policy with which Parliament can deal by appropriate legislation if it wishes to do so .
28 The ease with which management could organize ‘ second unions ’ can not be explained simply by intimidation , important though that was .
29 A lifetime of commitment though required not just higher rewards or the promise of permanent employment , but also some limitation on the ease with which labour could move to other employers .
30 Moreover , the risk that conventional conflicts may get out of hand and degenerate into nuclear disaster is one with which mankind will have to live for ever , and it strengthens the argument for attempting to keep conflicts within some kinds of bounds .
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