Example sentences of "[prep] which [pron] should [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 Cobden-Sanderson quarrelled with Emery Walker and , through the mediation of Sydney Cockerell , came to an agreement that Cobden-Sanderson should retain the Doves type for his lifetime , after which it should pass to the younger man .
2 This is a designated training post for doctors starting out in their medical careers , during which they should acquire greater responsibility for patient care and competence in a wide range of general skills .
3 They will give the theatre back to us for the opening and then we will give it back to them for the Summer during which they should solve the problem . ’
4 If ( as he may well have done ) he thought that he was the Messiah , then his choosing of the twelve would seem to have been a symbolic action , through which he should indicate to people who he was .
5 This might help them to see his lack of social responsiveness as a symptom of his illness and something for which they should make allowances rather than as an unfriendly act or a personal slight on their company .
6 The Tories have much for which they should seek forgiveness .
7 To me ‘ positive'/ ‘ negative ’ seemed too sharp a distinction , for which I should have preferred the category ‘ included'/ ‘ excluded ’ .
8 To register you will need a French social security number , for which you should apply to the local Caisse d'Assurance Maladie .
9 the maximum length of time for which you should store it — and the conditions of storage
10 Whatever implement it was that hit him went a long way round his skull but did n't penetrate very far , for which he should thank his stars . ’
11 TENSE , the grammatical expression of time , is a source of two distinct kinds of problem , each of which we should consider .
12 It aims to secure both that the consumer is not misled and also that he is not left in ignorance of matters of which he should lie informed .
13 This strategy implies that we should have no preconceived ideas about the research we should support and that we should concentrate on deriving the criteria against which we should assess proposals which , on the balance of probabilities might stand the best chance of success .
14 There are other differences in penalties between England and Wales and Scotland with which we should deal .
15 However , it is intended that they should extract from the reader that kind of critical attitude with which he should read this book from Chapter 1 onwards .
16 If a coach believes that the black sportsman he is helping to prepare is naturally endowed with the physical equipment to produce fast sprints or hard jabs , or mazy runs through defences , it will affect his judgment as to the areas of speciality into which he should channel the efforts of that sportsman .
17 In fact one can often feel Tolkien , between these ‘ low ’ and ‘ high ’ stylistic poles , breaking with complete success out of all the categories into which he should have been put , rising again from the edge of romance to what almost anyone might call ‘ myth ’ .
18 He felt so curious to visit it that he did not stop to make any detailed arrangements about the order in which they should go down .
19 They gave her time to hide and threw dice to decide the order in which they should go after her , a five-minute interval between each departure .
20 Outside directors and company bosses disagreed most strongly over whether non-executives should help develop business strategy , and over the sort of decisions in which they should have the final say .
21 ‘ Leicester is a city in which we should expect to have a good general bookshop , and we shall be looking for a bigger and better site in the city . ’
22 Then we drew lots to decide the order in which we should improvise , night by night .
23 If the Conservative Government were serious about a genuine effort to reach a consensus about the way in which we should mirror what is taking place in the rest of Europe — east , central and west — and in the United States and Canada with the devolving and decentralisation of services , we should be happy to reach an agreement with them .
24 That is the way in which we should deport ourselves .
25 There seems to be a struggle , which Milton perhaps did not intend , between the reader 's response to Satan as a powerful and convincing character and the way in which one should react to such a malevolent force .
26 And , despite the luxurious comfort of the aeroplane — in which she should have been able to relax her tired mind and body — she felt totally overwhelmed by the day 's events .
27 Are there ways in which you should adjust your attitudes to .
28 Now this was to be the country in which I should eat and sleep , read books and write letters for the rest of the war .
29 Whatever the outcome of those particular appeals ( in which I should declare my professional interest as representative of both Dr Colman and the journalists ) it seems inevitable that English courts , indirectly influenced by Europe , will eventually develop coherent constitutional and legal principles to review the substance of administrative decisions .
30 Brent London Borough Council the applicant local authorities claimed that they should be entitled to make representations to the minister as to the way in which he should exercise his powers concerning local authority grants .
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