Example sentences of "[prep] which [verb] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Ideally , we should like the government to ensure that the economy is on the Pareto-efficient frontier , shown in Figure 15–2 , but take responsibility for making the value judgement about which point on this frontier the economy should attain .
2 The consultation comes after a night during which calls from well wishers flooded the hospital switchboard , said a spokesman .
3 ‘ So I compromised by redesigning the base as a set of flat plates with circular holes cut in them through which sets of moulded hemispheres could be pushed .
4 He also pointed out the amendment in section 26 of the Criminal Justice Act 1991 ( effective from 1 October 1992 ) reducing the maximum term of imprisonment for theft from ten to seven years , thereby distinguishing theft from obtaining by deception , the maximum term for which remains at ten years .
5 He was as usual training his sights exclusively on the goal currently in view , in this case the unification of South Africa , the kindergarten campaign for which seemed at that moment to require a concession to Afrikaner racial prejudice .
6 A broad interpretation of what it means would greatly expand the number of crimes for which access to legal advice could be delayed .
7 It consists primarily of : concentrating the construction of turbo-alternators in the new Alsthom-Atlantique group , with a production capacity of about 10000 MW per year ; concentrating all industrial resources for the fabrication of the boilers in Framatome , with a production capacity of eight units a year ; the CEA has also bought out Westinghouse 's share in Framatome 's equity so as to have complete control of the further development of the technology , the licence for which expired in 1982 .
8 That will be the convenient and sensible course because what such a defendant is seeking is not so much to correct an error in the judge 's decision , for which appeals to this court are designed , but to have for the first time a hearing at which his evidence is considered .
9 Those in search of the classical paradise of golden beaches and tranquillity must treat Tahiti merely as a landing stage , and move on to better things , to nearby coral islands , lagoons and atolls , all of which abound in this part of the Pacific .
10 The developing plastics industry encouraged new avenues of experimentation , three of which resulted in unbreakable records which all appeared in the year 1930 .
11 The pair , who work in the Process Studies department at Harwell , made a lot of contacts — a few of which resulted in more work for AEA — when researching the manual .
12 The figures showed assets of 638,364 million roubles , backed by over 374 tonnes of gold , but the bank was said to be overburdened with credit of 462,060 million roubles to union and republican finance ministries ( only 23,646 million roubles of which went to republican ministries ) .
13 Between 1974 and 1979 , for example , the Department of Industry allocated about £250 million in regional assistance to Merseyside — almost all of which went to green-field locations ( Nabarro , 1980 ) .
14 Fox set up New World Pictures to make British films , and Columbia Pictures engaged Irving Asher , who had been making quickies for Warners , to initiate a production programme that led to such interesting pictures as The Spy in Black ( 1938 , U-Boat 29 in US ) and Q Planes ( 1939 , Clouds Over Europe in US ) , both of which tapped into contemporary anxieties about the prospect of war .
15 Appearance is a concern , but what I see is conditioned by my preconceptions , attitudes and information , all of which influences in varying degrees my choice of working locations .
16 The religious political factor was merely one of several major recurring problems during Barbarossa 's reign , all of which interacted with one another .
17 As with many clubs , there were disagreements , one of which led to one of the members being dismissed .
18 But recurrent harvest failures , the most notorious of which led to devastating famine in 1891 , imposed severe hardship on many .
19 On this tray are four drilled 2¼″ diameter pipes , each of which slide inside another pipe to act as a reusable cartridge .
20 Jammed into one of the blocks was a bright-green electrical wire , the other end of which ran to one of the jaws of the wooden clothes-peg Quinn held aloft in his left hand .
21 A wealth of legends and folk tales has been recorded , much of which relates to particular sites in the countryside .
22 They include inspectorates , audit bodies , scientific research bodies and management consultants , all of which come from different traditions of evaluation .
23 Keith John Moore , one of the firm 's partners , has appeared before the Disciplinary Committee on three previous occasions to answer allegations , two of which related to other rock bands .
24 The idea of individuality and the idea of specificity have to be seen in conjunction with such ideas as the idea of possibility and the idea of unity of biographical time , both of which point to certain experiental modalities .
25 We propose that this daunting list of stages , each of which calls for different information skills , can only be satisfactorily incorporated in the school 's programme by a curriculum policy built around these skills .
26 Recent accessions have included the first American edition of Joseph Black 's Lectures on the elements of Chemistry , ( Philadelphia : 1807 ) ; a Paris edition of John Barclay 's Argenis printed in 1621 , and an item believed to have been printed in Edinburgh about 1800 entitled ‘ A Pleasant Humourous and satyrical poem ’ , part one of which calls on young women to ‘ embrace the pure and holy state of matrimony ’ : part two ‘ contains excellent directions in the choice of a husband … ’
27 RESEARCHING Lancasters ED611 and RF141 , both of which served with 463 Sqn at Waddington .
28 As with most stress rules , there are exceptions , for example ‘ honest ’ , ‘ perfect ’ or , both of which end with two consonants but are stressed on the first syllable .
29 To date , Christo has produced more than eighty drawings of various sizes related to ‘ Wrapped Reichstag ’ , over one hundred collages , and three models , the earliest of which dates from 1977 and was acquired by Teheran 's Museum of Modern Art .
30 The rector of Weston-Longville in Norfolk was well placed to appreciate the contrast between the six-figure income of Prinny at Carlton House , the building of which accounted for much of his debt , and the nine pounds annual wage he paid his servant Ben Leggatt .
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