Example sentences of "[prep] we [verb] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Some of us contemplate this prospect with horror .
2 I wonder if we 've got twenty five pound voucher there would be some oh greed at the front you know , and there was a , all of us attended this meeting and that 's every single person in the building and I bet there was fifteen maximum twenty , that was all that was left in the whole building
3 Mushroom Bookshop and Airlift go back a long way , to the days when both of us attracted unwelcome police attention for some of our more esoteric wares .
4 I think all of us wish this epidemic would go away , and that it would n't touch us and that it were only small numbers , but the news today clearly shows that it affects each and every one of us .
5 Two of us averaged four shoes an hour .
6 Many of us remember that experience from the days of the Labour Government , many of whose Ministers are now in another place .
7 Editor , — J Michael Dixon postulates that most dental surgeons previously had both NHS and private patients and would thus have been able to act in the Robin Hood pattern that some of us remember general practitioners adopting before the introduction of the NHS .
8 Also , although people may have eaten more visible fat , today , most of us eat enormous amounts of invisible fat in cheese , other dairy products , processed foods , biscuits , cakes , chocolates , pies and pastries .
9 I show the snippet to Tony and the resulting peals of laughter from the pair of us bring disapproving stares from all over the plane .
10 He said : ‘ Can any of us answer that question ? ’
11 The rest of us use this time to make or mend kit , and to read up on possible areas to visit come the Spring .
12 As we walked some of us played Twenty Questions to keep us going .
13 The thought that both had finished before many of us reached 15 miles was not a cheering one .
14 None of the rest of us had that kind of head . ’
15 If the same thing had happened after World War Two , when many of us had six years of war , we would all have crept under the table and wept .
16 We neither of us had much interest in contemporary British poets , but were united in our enthusiasm for Elizabeth Bishop , Marianne Moore , W. S. Merwin , Wallace Stevens , William Carios Williams , Charles Reznikoff , Theodore Roethke and Richard Wilbur .
17 A quarter of us had four radio sets or more .
18 ‘ It was only when the police asked them to turn the noise down that any of us had any chance of sleep . ’
19 ‘ In the beginning , ’ she said , ‘ when these children were uplifted , none of us had any idea what a national scandal we were dealing with .
20 It was then a question of waiting to be called up and none of us had any idea how long this would be .
21 and erm he was always talking about erm different types of lathe and chucks and things like that and er , none of us had any idea what he was
22 None of us had any idea what observation meant , but we had to write down a sentence or something we had noticed on our way to school .
23 The Chief-Corporal in charge shouted out that if any of us had any sisters , we were to stand up .
24 Only eight of us had any sort of previous military experience : Marius , myself , Chris , a German from Oberammergau who had killed a tourist in the celebrations surrounding the Passion Play , a Frenchman , Mike the Rhodesian , and a Portuguese and a Rumanian who had both served with their countries ' airborne regiments .
25 However , I stayed a bit longer and when all the girls , all of us had three months ' notice to leave , it was dreadful , you see , because we were fully trained by that time you see .
26 The same unfortunate landlord returned a few days later as we were playing forfeits , and made no mention of the fact that one person was in a bra and panties with a colander on his head , another had wellingtons on filled to the brim with curdled milk and the rest of us had false moustaches drawn on with an indelible black magic marker .
27 But apart from Charlie , none of us had high expectations ; we had a combination of miserable expectations and wild hopes .
28 It 's just a question of us getting three points , that 's all that matters . ’
29 I 'm not leaving you here all alone , so it 's a case of you either coming with me , or of me staying here for the rest of the night and neither of us getting any rest .
30 Few of us felt any sympathy for them , because apart from the beatings which we had received on their accounts , we all knew the rules by now , and being caught and failing in any way was wrong .
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