Example sentences of "[prep] this [verb] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Often it takes meetings such as this to reveal the pervasive nature of culturally determined behaviour .
2 For this to take the appropriate forms in the particular cases of longitudinal and lateral correlations ,
3 Yet the exchange had been all gain , for this became the happiest , the most rewarding period of his life , when to lose himself utterly in God and His Work was truly to find himself .
4 The sheer quantity of calculation and printing required for this stretches the modest administrative processor to its limit for two days .
5 Taking the river Loire as a boundary the lands north of this reflected the Norman influence — that same influence which produced England 's Norman architecture also that of Sicily and southern Italy .
6 Mammals keep track of this using the pineal gland which also regulates their bodies ' circadian rhythm .
7 But none of this alters the ethical issue and the consequent injustice done in 1985 .
8 All of this made the rural village an extremely close-knit society .
9 On top of this came the sundry depredations of military and civilian authorities desperate to feed the armed forces and urban population in the face of totally inadequate harvests .
10 All of this creates the fractured rivalry which has existed during the whole of my service and which has survived attempts by management to ‘ weld the uniform and C.I.D .
11 Much of this reflects the entrenched acute-service bias of the National Health Service , and major change would have far-reaching implications .
12 One example of this concerns the deadly sea snake and a variety of predatory fish .
13 One of the most interesting examples of this concerns the electronic arms race , as shown in the brain sizes of fossil animals .
14 All of this supports the growing insistence of many gerontologists that we should conceive of the elderly as a resource not as a burden .
15 None of this means the socialist objective of equalising power and spreading choice and freedom should be abandoned .
16 Naturally enough , all of this placed the working-class organisations in a cruel dilemma .
17 ( In none of this do the geographical or military details matter , which is why the background has not here been explained : what matters is the constitutional issues raised . )
18 Much of this bore the unmistakable stamp of guild thought and policy .
19 Cases like this indicate the general validity of the method , although there is still a need to establish the limits of its accuracy .
20 He did n't mind spending the money if it brought a result , but something like this put the whole world out of balance .
21 ‘ It would probably take a week of rain like this to reduce the forest-fire hazard . ’
22 Taking anti-depressants to get you over a hump like this makes the same sort of sense as using a crutch to get around on while a broken leg heals .
23 Above this lies the usual hierarchy found in all police bureaucracies .
24 In this lay the historical peculiarity of the capitalist mode of production .
25 But in this meeting the absolute difference between the two sides remains : it is not dissolved away in a ‘ coincidence of opposites ’ , an ‘ identity in difference ’ , an ‘ eternal God-man unity ’ .
26 In this setting the qualitative was constantly under evaluation at the expense of the quantitative measure , for the ‘ wise ’ amongst us who were present knew that the statistical return often gives a skewed version of complex social events , although it speaks volumes about the way our systems of control are generated and maintained .
27 From this stems the historical importance of the ordinances of war issued by kings on campaign : by Richard II during the Scottish war of 1385 ; by Henry V in France in 1419 ; and by his brother John , duke of Bedford , in Normandy in 1428 , all three attempts to control the illegal or ‘ un-peaceful ’ activities of soldiers , in particular in their relationships with non-combatants .
28 From this follows the first point : the existence of illegal concert parties is enormously hard to prove .
29 Objections to this caused the central board of the Co-operative Union to decide to withdraw its £400 annual grant to the Guild unless the divorce law campaign were dropped .
30 Perhaps the one exception to this concerns the unsatisfactory cleaning of the Pottery Hut .
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