Example sentences of "[prep] the [noun sg] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 It should be possible for the lab to match the ink even if the letters could n't be deciphered .
2 Gambling policy stayed with the Home Office , and although the Department of National Heritage would be responsible for the legislation to create the lottery , it would do so in conjunction with the Home Office .
3 On Jan. 18 , educational institutions were closed for the winter holiday a week early .
4 A very advanced movement is for the patient to lift the hemiplegic leg backwards and take it behind him , in order to roll over onto his back .
5 A further possibility , where this is available , is to arrange for the patient to attend a psychiatric unit as a day patient .
6 It is better for the patient to use a shallow cup rather than a deeper mug , partly to prevent an excessive fluid intake , and partly because he may have difficulty in judging the depth of a mug and so may tend to spill his drink .
7 Indeed , many forms of treatment by hypnosis do not call for the patient to utter a word .
8 It is better by far for the patient to have a week or so in which to mull over all that has occurred and everything he or she has learnt about the past .
9 In the majority of cases the homoeopathic remedy appeared to work effectively and it was rare for the patient to require the conventional therapy .
10 If the substation is located within the curtilage of the site , it will be necessary for the developer to dedicate the land to the board .
11 As it is possible for a hotel owner or developer to have feasibility studies undertaken by their own staff , and for the developer to obtain the service of hotel management companies to run the hotel for a fee , it is the role of the food service planning consultant which will be examined in this article .
12 In coming to the conclusion whether it would be unconscionable for the creditor to enforce the charge against the surety , all the circumstances involving the relationships between the creditor , the debtor and the surety will be taken into account .
13 If , in order for the creditor to obtain an unimpeachable security , the law requires the surety to be given an explanation of the effect of the security documents , the creditor is placed in an invidious position .
14 Alternatively , the draftsman may dispense with a timetable for the rent review , and dispense with the requirement for the landlord to serve a rent review notice in order to exercise the right to review the rent .
15 It is important to try to contain the scope of the costs that may be recoverable , eg whereas a surveyor 's fees may be reasonable to seek to recover , it is arguable that it may not be reasonable for the landlord to instruct an architect in respect of the matters contemplated by this clause .
16 The Court of Appeal , having reviewed the nature of the flat and the number of beds within it , stated that it would be possible for the landlord to use the flat concurrently with the occupiers and therefore they had only licences .
17 It may be extremely difficult for the landlord to resist a claim by a person at the premises who suffers injury as a result of the landlord 's default and who was not a party to the lease .
18 By a notice of appeal dated 25 November 1991 , and pursuant to the grant of leave to appeal out of time , the plaintiff appealed on the grounds that the judge erred in law in holding that ( 1 ) the defendant was at 24 December 1989 a residential occupier within the meaning of section 27 of the Housing Act 1988 and a statutory tenant within section 2 of the Rent Act 1977 ; and ( 2 ) once a possession order had been obtained against a statutory tenant it was necessary for the landlord to obtain a warrant of possession .
19 In the case of a tenant 's notice a requirement that rent be apportioned may work to the prejudice of the landlord since he will need time to arrange a reletting. ( c ) Circumstances of exercise It is rare nowadays for the landlord to have an unrestricted power to determine a lease .
20 Any clause containing the right for the landlord to vary the lease more substantially should be resisted strongly and the footnote to this clause contains the suggestion that in such circumstances the tenant should insist on a provision that no variation be made which would , eg reduce the area of the premises or affect their use or increase the tenant 's liability under the lease .
21 Neither inspectors nor the police are entitled to demand a breathalyser test or a blood or urine sample from a surviving pilot who has had an aircraft accident — though if he is killed the coroner will never refuse permission for the pathologist to test the victim 's blood for alcohol content .
22 Probably , at the present day , such service on such request would have raised a promise by implication to pay what it was worth , and the subsequent promise of a sum certain would have been evidence for the jury to fix the amount . ’
23 And he said it was difficult for the jury to isolate the narrow questions that they were going to have to decide , which is whether these officers had er fabricated notes of an interview with one of the Birmingham Six , from all the information that they had .
24 Conditions for the facility include the curbing of inflation , the rebuilding of foreign exchange reserves to reach a positive current balance after three years , and steady annual economic growth of between 3 and 3.5 per cent in real terms over the period .
25 Other Opposition MPs called for the Ombudsman to investigate the issue and for Mr Robert Jackson , higher education minister and the scheme 's author , to resign .
26 A power for the mortgagee to appoint a receiver who will collect the rents and profits is also now implied in mortgages by deed .
27 The snag was , though , that for the major matches the entire club membership would be lucky to be allocated even two tickets .
28 Thus the bowl will change its location , whilst that for the pedestal remains the same ( i.e. the permanent location for both the bowl and pedestal ) .
29 ‘ They say she 's very susceptible , ’ Gloria explained to Mrs Parvis when she went to borrow an extra shilling for the meter to light the gas fire in the basement room .
30 ‘ I wanted to get shadow to convey the haunting feeling of the place but despite getting there at 4.30am each morning and waiting all day for the sun to cast the right sort of light , I finally took the picture in moonlight three days later . ’
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