Example sentences of "[prep] the [noun sg] just [subord] " in BNC.

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1 Joining in meant she could lose herself , forget , live for the moment just as Mark had always done — Oh , he had been a little wild on occasions , she knew that deep down , but Mark , being Mark , things had always turned out OK in the end … until that last time , of course …
2 It is unfair that we should have to wait until 1O.3Oam for the post just because the postmen have to hand deliver a memo to every department in the company , being told the post takes second place .
3 In insisting on the fact that science starts with problems , then , is it not the case that , for the falsificationist just as for the naive inductivist , science starts from observation ?
4 No one person can be blamed for the tragedy just as Lear can not be all the victim nor all the instigator .
5 Law as integrity is also a non-skeptical theory of legal rights : it holds that people have as legal rights whatever rights are sponsored by the principles that provide the best justification of legal practice as a whole Pragmatism , on the contrary , denies that people ever have legal rights ; it takes the bracing view that they are never entitled to what would otherwise be worse for the community just because some legislature said so or a long string of judges decided other people were .
6 An individual will go through the process just as we have outlined it already .
7 ‘ Oh , piss off , ’ shouted someone at the other end of the hut , as a boot bounced off the door just as the Sergeant made his exit .
8 Turn left off the road just before it reaches the next beck .
9 The truck had toppled off the roof just when he was walking underneath it .
10 The specimen was taken from the eastern side of the sandbar just as the tide began to ebb and came the day after Kevin had taken a 2 lb 8 oz flounder from the same spot .
11 That construction is intended to ensure that the courts do not substitute their view for that of the administrator just because they believe that a different conclusion would be more reasonable .
12 According to the crew of a USAF storm-tracking WC-130 Hercules which penetrated the eye of the hurricane just before it struck Homestead , peak wind speed was 170 knots and pressure dropped to 993 millibars .
13 It would be counter-productive to include a clause which no-one really regards as appropriate to the particular circumstances of the firm just because that clause is commonly found in the precedent books : better by far to leave it out until agreement on a satisfactory alternative can be agreed .
14 Do n't make the mistake of thinking of your machine 's case as the most important part of the machine just because it is the bit that you see most of !
15 ‘ Against the deep blue of the sky just when it was getting dark , ’ said Jane Postlethwaite enthusiastically .
16 But Brown did not tell Pincher that some of those agents had been betrayed with the knowledge and authority of MI6 , as part of Blake 's supposed role as a double agent , because the government had suppressed that part of the story just as it had Blake 's part in the Berlin tunnel affair .
17 Mr David Mellor , Treasury Chief Secretary , claimed that if Labour went ahead with the tax increases proposed by Mr John Smith , the shadow Chancellor , money would be taken out of the economy just when extra spending was needed to boost demand .
18 About one-third of freight was moved by rail in the USA , and Bush justified the legislation stopping the strike by the need to avoid a " serious disruption " of the economy just as it was " trying to turn around and get out of this recession " .
19 He remembered falling , and the deck coming up to hit him , which brought back the sensation — although it had n't done so at the time — of the moment just before the torpedo hit Lanark .
20 The war will leave all the multiple tensions of the region just where they were before , or worse .
21 This should look familiar to you because it will be the similar to the state of the screen just before you started QBasic .
22 You can get away with a lot of things at Oxford , but disappearing off the face of the earth just before term starts is not one of them .
23 Er if you catch the corner of the bannister just as you 're going by , usually have a wrapper over anyway , but i it it is n't going to damage .
24 It might require them to behave authoritatively , submissively , wickedly or shrewdly ; the role might be labelled explorer , prime minister , designer or archaeologist , but they will do no more than adapt functionally to the situation of the drama just as they would adapt to roles required in a game — just as they once learnt to adapt to the limited number of roles imposed on them in real life .
25 This was achieved by presenting the noise of the fork just before food was given , and then after some repetition presenting the noise of the fork alone .
26 A yellow line of electric light shone below the door just as he reached it , and his heart jumped ; he stepped back quickly as the handle turned .
27 God keep you , Solper , ’ he muttered and went towards the door just as Fitzosbert threw it open .
28 He was walking towards the door just as Rose came bustling out .
29 Dr Graham was , as you might expect , most eloquent and , when he appealed for people to come forward and dedicate themselves , quite a few got up and went towards the screen just as though he was really there .
30 He stood it beneath the skylight just as he heard footsteps pounding up the stairs .
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