Example sentences of "[prep] order [to-vb] the high " in BNC.

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1 The strength of any restaurant business lies in its reputation — you are only as good as the last meal you have served — and in order to preserve the high standards that have brought this business so very far , Forte need people who can match the best in the industry : people with some supervisory level experience under their belts ; with a real commitment to customer service , lots of enthusiasm and driving ambition .
2 Once again the lower animals were treated as immature versions of the human race , with the growth of the human embryo recapitulating all the stages through which life had passed in order to reach the highest level of development .
3 If you are intending to use your card regularly to obtain cash , it could therefore be advisable to put your account well into the black before going away , in order to avoid the high interest charges .
4 In Germany , in order to develop the higher skills needed by many occupations , the majority of manual and non-manual training courses last three years .
5 Similarly , if your spouse pays income tax at the higher rate and you pay tax at only the ( lower ) basic rate , then your spouse should make the Gift Aid payment in order to obtain the higher rate relief .
6 Those with loans from banks may borrow more in order to pay the higher interest charges .
7 But , instead , the higher interest rate regime may cause an increased demand for loans in the short-term as debtors borrow more in order to pay the higher interest charges on existing loans .
8 It is necessary for prospective purchasers to undertake detailed market research and a site investigation , and to prepare a feasibility study in order to identify the highest value that may safely be put on the site .
9 We have therefore sought to influence its detail in order to ensure the highest standards of protection are afforded to the surrounding natural and visual environments .
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