Example sentences of "[prep] [Wh adv] [adv] they [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I asked for details of how well they had maintained their new figures or if , in fact , they had n't .
2 It was a measure of how well they had done that he even considered such an awful thing .
3 Items in the tests are not selected on the basis of how well they discriminate among students , i.e. they are not norm-referenced .
4 If the skirting is painted in a different colour to the walls , do n't forget to stick a smaller sample of the skirting colour next to the wall colour so you have an idea of how well they work together .
5 Callaghan 's mistake may have derived from his own inability to grasp the significance of media images irrespective of how closely they did or did not correlate with some other version of ‘ reality ’ .
6 The extent to which they try to run towards the red compared with the yellow is taken as a measure of how strongly they have been imprinted .
7 If Liz and Owen had n't had that accident , which brought us together to look after the twins , we might never have found each other again ! ’ she cried , feeling almost faint as she fell back on the pillows , hardly able to bear the thought of how narrowly they had averted a lifetime of unhappiness .
8 Employment Training should be opened up to unemployed people over 50 , irrespective of how long they have been out of work .
9 I think of what each group produced , not in terms of how far from a conclusion they were , but in terms of how much they had achieved .
10 Grazers have the enormous advantage that there is plenty of their favourite food available , all around them , stretching for as far as the eye can see and regrowing time and again regardless of how much they crop it .
11 Romanians are very well aware of how much they have inherited from the Ceauşescu regime and how difficult it is , with the best will in the world , to purge the moral degradation from their souls .
12 Details of how far they walked , how long it took them , when this was done and what sort of overnight accommodation they used , would be relevant to my research .
13 And then can you give us an account of how far they have proved accurate ?
14 PASS ( Programme Analysis of Service Systems ; Wolfensberger and Glenn , 1973 ) evaluates services in terms of how far they comply with appearances , practices and settings which would be valued by the rest of society .
15 ( Sorry , it 's got nothing to do with how much they love you . )
16 Labours local Government spokesman , David Blunkett came to the transport and general workers headquarters in gloucester armed with a cheque : the sum on it , the amount labour says an average familly of two in gloucester would be better off by under their fare rates scheme , compared with how much they pay in poll tax .
17 The authors , writing in the British Medical Journal , believe that what happens to babies before birth , including how long they stay in the womb , may determine how healthy their lungs are later in life .
18 Instead it became more dependent upon how frequently they watched television news .
19 Additionally , many single people admit that they had not realised before how much they relied on their job for companionship and sometimes , even for part of their week-end social life .
20 The possible words in the input are given semantic scores based on how well they combine with possible neighbouring words in the input .
21 Earth scientists should not be quick to modify geological data to accommodate model simulations ; rather , the acceptability of climate simulations should be judged on how well they reproduce independently established geological facts .
22 They know their survival depends on how well they impress .
23 Their fortunes depend entirely on how effectively they wield the bludgeon at their disposal ; in fact , a military representative may be gaoled for accepting shoddy goods .
24 Depending on the client 's instructions , it may be helpful to rank the possible targets ‘ A ’ , ‘ B ’ or ‘ C ’ , depending on how closely they satisfy the acquisition criteria .
25 In terms of time that meant ten to twelve hours , depending on how long they took to get through the Romanian frontier .
26 And the amount of statutory maternity pay to which they 're entitled also depends on how long they 've worked for the same employer .
27 Most people are likely to judge the reforms on how long they have to wait for treatment — the issue behind the ‘ Jennifer 's ear ’ controversy during the election campaign .
28 Much may thus depend on how seriously they rise to the challenge .
29 They will have to answer for the team 's performances and can expect to be closely questioned on how often they saw those performances .
30 Lenders fell into two camps , depending on how much they fear a further drying up of already moribund mortgage demand .
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