Example sentences of "[prep] [det] than [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Dickens 's Will Fern , with first-hand knowledge of life inside one , complains of this female tendency : ‘ It looks well in a picter , I 've heerd say ; but there a n't weather in picters , and maybe ‘ t is fitter for that than for a place to live in . ’
2 ‘ Guys like Stefan and Boris will be more pumped up for that than for a preparation tournament . ’
3 ‘ It is more difficult to be precise about this than about the earlier phases , partly because the pictures are rarer and less accessible , and have not been adequately photographed , partly because it includes considerable variations . ’
4 Is there an amplifier already on the market ( for less than about a grand ) that would offer all three sounds ?
5 The anatomy is also more strongly stressed in this than in the earlier statue , perhaps to tell against reflections in the shiny metal ; and this is something that becomes even more marked in succeeding generations .
6 There was , however , room for two pages of details of other excerpts records in the same series : why anyone would be any more interested in these than in the Humperdinck if they had not more information than that supplied with this CD was not clear .
7 They were lovers now , and he preferred today to dwell on that than on the knottier problems .
8 The great majority of its members were more attracted to this than to the abuse from the Communists or to the dissensions of the ILP .
9 Note that even without the exact position of the original markers being known , the line from Bishops Cannings church through the WKLB and the centres varies by less than of a degree .
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