Example sentences of "[prep] [det] [adj] [noun pl] the " in BNC.

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1 For some young hopefuls the promise of stardom and success outweighs the fear of failure .
2 For some lone mothers the level of maintenance received might actually fall ( Bingley et al. , 1991 ) .
3 It could well be that for some musical purposes the above result may contain too great an element of consonance in the form of triads .
4 The Home Office Minister David Maclean said that despite some encouraging signs the Government would not become complacent on crime .
5 For this quarterly commentary on the technical aspects of some recent recordings the listening sessions were necessarily spasmodic and eclectic .
6 In spite of such obvious inconsistencies the basis of racial nationalist beliefs were outlined in the literature of the Britons and the IFL .
7 Within the constraints of these traditional preoccupations the majority of the population adheres happily , or unhappily , to the roles which society expects of them , even though there is no legal compulsion to do so .
8 In spite of these broad generalizations the exact reasons for the turnaround are n't very clear , although Brown and Wardwell ( 1980 ) have suggested that three interrelated factors are economic decentralization , a preference for rural living , and the modernization of rural life .
9 At the hearts of these industrial towns the old marketing and retailing functions remained of paramount importance .
10 But irrespective of these year-to-year changes the size of the bonus is very sensitive to firm size .
11 To stress the sense of transience , Helen Chadwick assembles around the moor motifs of these allegorical couples the emblems of further mortification : from the hand of the ecstatic figure whirling with the goose fall maggots from the goose 's lights ; the double-headed figure of Harvest faces one way to ripeness and bounty , the other towards decomposition ; the frivolous ribbons , lacy frills , frothy trailing trimmings and net tights , the schoolgirl socks and other ornaments echo the fripperies of Vanitas paintings .
12 As a result of these mixed forces the resistance movements that had previously been the exclusive domain of irresolute Annamese intellectuals began , as the decade drew to a close , to stir the mass of the people toiling in the rice fields , the mines arid the rubber plantations .
13 In each of these financial relationships the government has considerable power .
14 By permutations of these various incidents the number of possible classes is limited only by the total number of shares .
15 In many of these different regions the native stone has given character and fitness to the buildings ; the wide variety of stones , together with the frequent use of wood and brick and thatch , especially in the stoneless areas , has added charm to English village and towns , and has made the dwellings , particularly the smaller cottages ( for stones for churches and large houses were carried for many miles even in early times ) , ideally suited to their surroundings .
16 In terms of these particular variables the behaviour is expressible as and so sufficiently small signals are related by where ; ; Again , the small-signal linearity means that the small-signal sinusoidal response is governed by corresponding phasor equations Symbols are universally adopted to denote the differential parameters involved here because they have hybrid dimensions .
17 All the same , in spite of these initial reservations the two got on well .
18 Despite these recessionary days the science fiction and fantasy market is thriving .
19 Yet despite these important developments the situation is far from being a bed of roses .
20 Despite these important responsibilities the relationship that came over to the objectors was one of cosy acquiescence between these bureaucracies and the nuclear industry .
21 Although much of his historical writing depended on oral testimony , he is of all ancient historians the one who most frequently cites the authors and documents that he has consulted .
22 Of all ancient peoples the Maya appear to have been the most obsessed with the idea of time .
23 I can therefore find no ground for drawing the narrow distinction and would hold that in the case of all in-house benefits the same test applies , viz. the cost of the benefit to the employer is the additional or marginal cost only .
24 you know , you woul they would n't get rid of all nuclear weapons the Labour
25 It is hard to think of many foreign governments the KGB has overthrown as , for example , the CIA did in Chile .
26 She dived towards it , anxious some other would-be caller should not beat her to it and begin on one of those endless conversations the French seemed to have , searching through her pockets for change and trying to recall the International dialling code and the number of the line which connected direct with Nick 's office , bypassing the busy switchboard , all at the same time .
27 The Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie near the Porte de la Villette in Paris is one of those technological markers the French like to put down to show that architecture in their capital is not all ormulu and Belle Epoque .
28 Never heard of him , one of those embarrassing admissions the best of diarists have to make at times .
29 It is one of those rare books the love of which can easily turn into an addiction .
30 A wipe , by the way , is like on of those weird effects the directors of such programs as Top of the Pops are so keen on — where the picture changes via a tumbling square or comes in from one side to replace the picture you have onscreen already .
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