Example sentences of "[prep] [coord] at [art] end " in BNC.

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1 The patient may be referred to such agencies either during or at the end of treatment .
2 This is to prevent legal problems arising either during or at the end of the tenancy .
3 It certainly does not per se affect the nature , quality or value of the land either during or at the end of the term .
4 For a small minority , success led to A level courses the following year , but for the great majority the goal was employment either during or at the end of the year .
5 In the little-known country of Academia , it is a well established fact that 1 in 10 undergraduates leave university during or at the end of their first year .
6 Given that pre-trial standards were acceptable , the maintenance of , or an improvement in those standards is to be expected during and at the end of the trial .
7 Ask questions during and at the end of classes .
8 However , during and at the end of the war the government made many promises for a better future .
9 The profit and loss accounts and balance sheets of the Vendor relating to the Business for the two financial years ended on the Balance Sheet Date give a true and fair view of the financial position of the Vendor and of the Business during and at the end of such years .
10 The guide provides three simple checklists of what information should be given at the first appointment , during and at the end of the case .
11 The patients were given supplementation for one month and colonic biopsy specimens were taken before and at the end of the trial .
12 Colonic biopsy specimens were taken before and at the end of the supplementation period .
13 Twenty mls of whole blood was also collected into empty vacutainers before and at the end of the one month trial period for analysis of serum vitamins , as an assessment of compliance to the supplementation .
14 The white blood cell count was determined immediately before and at the end of the study ; leukocytosis was defined as a white cell count greater than 10000 cells/mm .
15 ( As to the date alleged , see Practice Direction ( Bankruptcy 4/86 ) ( 1987 ) 1 All ER 604. ) ( c ) In the strictly limited case of substituted service by advertisement under r 6.3 of the 1986 rules , the date to be alleged is the date of the advertisement 's appearance or , as the case may be , its first appearance : see rr 6.3(3) and 6.11(8). 6 There is no need to include in the preamble to or at the end of the petition details of the person authorised to present the petition .
16 Not within fifteen minutes you 'll to but at the end of this session you will be able to process how to tell us the five main points five main benefits of a certain policy .
17 Then come across D Y by And at the end , D X.
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