Example sentences of "[prep] [noun prp] [adj] [vb pp] [art] " in BNC.

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1 All of these developments and initiatives culminated in the government 's consultation paper of July 1987 entitled The National Curriculum 5–16 , which gave notice that the Secretary of State proposed to introduce legislation to establish a national curriculum .
2 Meanwhile , the events of July 17-18 motivated a number of Arab leaders to launch mediation efforts .
3 The beginning of July 1942 marked a radical change in the operational style of the SAS .
4 THE FIRST day of December 1992 marked a milestone on Shell 's Brent Charlie platform .
5 The Middle East Economic Digest of May 31 released a list of 30 companies being considered by the government for privatization [ see p. 38007 ] .
6 The new vigour of Beijing 1989 nourished a new mood of emergent internationalism .
7 Vananu , who had been held in solitary confinement since 1986 , was in March 1988 given an 18-year prison sentence for passing information likely to harm state security , after he had offered a United Kingdom newspaper information about Israel 's nuclear programme [ see p. 35922 ] .
8 However , the dismembering of Western Sahara was opposed by the Algerian-supported Polisario Front , which in February 1976 proclaimed an independent Saharan Arab Democratic Republic ( SADR ) , supported by Algeria and ( later ) Libya , and intensified hostilities against both countries ( see p. 27747 ) .
9 This treaty was opposed by the Algerian backed Frente Popular para la Liberación de Saguia y Rio de Oro ( Polisario Front ) which in February 1976 proclaimed an independent Saharan Arab Democratic Republic ( SADR ) , which by the time of its admission to the Organization of African Unity ( OAU ) in 1982 had been recognized by more than 70 countries .
10 Newspaper coverage in December 1987 identified a work force of 1300 in Press 's Tyne Yards but there has been considerable fluctuation in numbers depending on the state of contracts .
11 Provoked by a sermon issued in January 1793 entitled The Wisdom and Goodness of God in having made both Rich and Poor , which was an attack on the French Revolution by Richard Watson , Bishop of Llandaff , Wordsworth countered with A Letter to the Bishop of Llandaff on the Extraordinary Avowal of his Political Principles … by A Republican .
12 He followed with particular attention the progress of General Juin 's French Expeditionary Force , which fought alongside the Allies in Italy and in May 1944 achieved a crucial breakthrough in the German line south to Rome .
13 The government in July 1992 proclaimed an area of land as the permanent possession of the Awa , but the land has still not been physically demarcated .
14 Instead , and to his surprise , he was in October 1964 given the Ministry of Housing and Local Government , in which both Chamberlain and Macmillan had made their considerable reputations .
15 In Rome these stressed the emperor 's achievements ( military victories , public works , etc. ) , his virtues and divine endorsement of his regime ; in the provinces they dwelt on the important cults or monuments of the city which made them .
16 Following the expiry of the government 's New Economic Policy ( NEP ) in December 1990 , Prime Minister Datuk Seri Mahathir Mohamed on March 1 released a working paper outlining a revised set of economic and social policies .
17 The UNITA leader Jonas Savimbi on Jan. 13 postponed a visit to Portugal in view of the military situation ; he arrived there on Jan. 27 , but returned on Jan. 30 , cancelling plans to travel to other west European countries .
18 In January 1990 ( i ) two people were on Jan. 22 shot dead and nine injured in the gold-mining town of Carletonville , 60 km south-west of Johannesburg , when police opened fire on a crowd of 5,000 blacks who were protesting at the death the previous week of a 16-year-old boy while held in detention ; and ( ii ) using razor wire , water cannon and plastic bullets , the police on Jan. 23 dispersed an illegal gathering of 8,000 demonstrators in Cape Town who were supporting the National Education Crisis Committee 's protest against the black education system .
19 Iraq on Jan. 20 requested a five-year moratorium on its payments to the Compensation Fund .
20 In response to the bombings President François Mitterrand on Jan. 3 called an emergency meeting of the inner Cabinet , agreed measures to strengthen the rule of law in Corsica , and appointed a new prefect for security on the island .
21 A specially established criminal tribunal on Aug. 11 sentenced a former Pasok Deputy Finance Minister , Nikos Athanasopoulos , to three years ' imprisonment for criminal fraud and forgery .
22 The Supreme Court on Aug. 5 appointed a three-man commission to report on " the nature , extent and magnitude " of construction work on the disputed site of Ayodhya .
23 Izvestiya on Aug. 28 printed a resolution by the State Committee for the Management of State Property establishing the Izvestiya publishing house and formally abolishing the USSR Supreme Soviet Izvestiya publishing house .
24 Five nights of serious rioting at a reception centre for asylum seekers in Lichtenhagen , a suburb of the town of Rostock on the Baltic , on Aug. 22-26 marked a resurgence of anti-foreigner violence in eastern Germany .
25 The Supreme Soviet of the autonomous oblast ( region ) of South Ossetia on Sept. 20 proclaimed a full union republic independent of Georgia .
26 China 's initial response was that the speech could not be considered as a basis for talks " because it has not at all relinquished the concept of the independence of Tibet " , but on Sept. 23 disclosed an offer to hold direct negotiations to which the Dalai Lama responded positively .
27 A military court on May 13 sentenced an air force ensign to 12 years in prison for selling secrets to Yugoslavia .
28 The World Bank 's Consultative Group for Economic Co-operation in the Caribbean on July 11 allocated a " soft " loan of US$250,000,000 to encourage the development of a free-market economy .
29 Faced by strikes at ports and mines , a public transport strike in Sofia , the capital , on July 16-19 and strikes by medical workers and government workers , the government on July 14 authorised a 26 per cent pay increase for all state employees .
30 Montenegro 's complement of seats in the FRY Assembly was filled when the Montenegrin Assembly on July 2 elected a further five deputies to the Chamber of Republics .
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