Example sentences of "[prep] [noun prp] [adj] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Le Monde of Jan. 15 also reported that Kuwait 's ambassador in Baghdad , held under house arrest since Aug. 2 , 1990 and suffering from heart problems , had been released at the request of King Hussein and given permission to leave Iraq .
2 The revolution of February 1917 further aggravated this situation and brought about disruption of industry .
3 The Import Duties Bill of February 1932 also imposed a general tariff of 10 per cent on almost all imports , and the Import Duties Advisory Committee , which it formed quickly , raised the tariff to 20 per cent on manufactured goods , to between 25 and 30 per cent on luxury goods and to 33 per cent on chemicals and a wide range of other goods .
4 An employee who was reprimanded at the end of July 1980 subsequently demanded , through his solicitors , that the letter of reprimand be withdrawn .
5 The Middle East Economic Digest of Aug. 31 also reported that as a gesture of goodwill Iraq had allowed thousands of Iranians to leave Kuwait for Iran by crossing Iraqi territory at the border between Khorramshahr and Basra .
6 Nevertheless it would be dangerous to assign laws to Asclepiodatus simply on the basis of his probable knowledge : the praeceptio of Chlothar II also shows signs of influence from Roman and Burgundian Law .
7 The Praeceptio of Chlothar II similarly dealt with secular and religious legal matters .
8 An English memorandum of May 1311 also attributed the difficulties of governance in Aquitaine to the ‘ arrogant presumption of the nobles and magnates [ potentium ] of the land ’ which engendered frivolous appeals to the court of France .
9 A bomb exploded outside the house of Prime Minister Haidar Abu Bakr al-Attas in Sana'a on May 15 ; on the night of May 9-10 there had been a similar explosion outside the home of Salim Salih Mohammed , a member of Yemen 's provisional Presidential Council and of the Yemen Socialist Party leadership .
10 The fires of May 1862 only confirmed the authorities in their antipathy to students .
11 But the aftermath of the European Events of May 1968 still made waves , and the politics of papers like the Black Dwarf meant that alongside It 's report of American Ed Berman 's Inter Action and its development as a ‘ community arts centre ’ were stories of ‘ Communications for a Revolutionary Europe and World ’ , and reports from Prague under Soviet occupation .
12 Dr Beeching 's famous report of January 1963 then opened the floodgates to closure proposals , battles by campaigners and , invariably , consent by the Conservative Government which , after all , was the architect behind Dr Beeching 's appointment as Chairman charged with reducing losses .
13 Tomorrow is Day 7 , and you need to make a concerted effort to ensure that the results at the beginning of Day 8 really demonstrate your progress through the week .
14 One version of Rios 2 apparently combines nine separate chips on a substrate 4 ’ square .
15 The Independent of Feb. 20 also reported that al-Nouri had estimated that 18 million people were threatened with epidemics of cholera and typhoid because of damage to water and sewage systems .
16 By April 1988 , on the second anniversary of the Chernobyl eruption , fear had made the previously obedient people of Kiev brave enough to hold their first post-glasnost street demonstration .
17 A can of Tetleys Bitter never tasted better as Jim and I soaked up the sun burning its way through the Californian coastal mist .
18 First there is tonight 's second round tie against struggling Third Division Bury to negotiate — a nerve-shredding 90 minutes with the thought of pitting wits against the stars of Manchester United enough to inspire both sides .
19 The latter move came in the wake of parliament 's decision of Dec. 11 temporarily to suspend the privatization process .
20 The opening of Sonnet 148 again criticizes his own powers of sight and discrimination : It is not only a failure in perception : as we have seen in 152 , the eyes were merely agents or instruments of the will or judgement , from which self-deception flowed , forcing the organs of perception to see what they are told to see ( as in the political conformity enforced in George Orwell 's Nineteen Eighty-Four ) .
21 One of the Russian admirers of Peter I actually hung the Tsar 's picture among the holy ikons in his house and burnt candles before it .
22 However , it is wrong to assume that s13 of SGA 1979 somehow converts all statements made as to description into contractual terms , and the recent case of Harlingdon Ltd v Hull Fine Art Ltd [ 1990 ] 1 All ER 737 confirms that the normal contractual principles as to incorporation of terms still subsist ( for example Dick Bentley Productions Ltd v Harold Smith ( Motors ) Ltd [ 1965 ] 1 WLR 623 ) .
23 After an intraduodenal pulse of 100 µmol HCl , the release of PGE 2 appreciably increased in all three groupsof rats .
24 Section 3(2) of CPA 1987 expressly provides for this as follows : and nothing in this section shall require a defect to be inferred from the fact alone that the safety of a product which is supplied after that time is greater than the safety of the product in question .
25 Having read your newspaper for many years , I believe your edition of April 17th best illustrates the dilemma facing those who interpret the events of the late 20th century .
26 The Financial Times of April 2 also quoted a DPK spokesman as alleging that " we are facing a worse genocide than Halabja " , a reference to the use in 1988 of poison gas by the Iraqi army in the town of Halabja which killed an estimated 5,000-6,000 people [ see pp. 36168-69 ] .
27 decision to work towards BS 5750 naturally followed on an existing project to achieve the TEC Award for Investors in People .
28 Even here , however , status still reared its head , for Louis XIV clearly thought it derogated from his dignity as a ruler by divine right to be referred to in the final treaty in the same terms as William III , the mere constitutional king of a parliamentary state .
29 I took off the yellow waistcoat with its white lining and hung it on a hanger , and I took off my shoes , but rather like George I still felt myself to be on duty , so I switched off the light and lay on top of the bedclothes watching the black Canadian land slide by , while the free northern show went on above for hours in the sky .
30 Their attempts to impose conditions on a man like Henry VIII only show how far , in the initial stages , they were turning a blind eye to the implications of their policy .
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