Example sentences of "[prep] [noun prp] [verb] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Taken together with the fact that this region is required for DNA-PK directed phosphorylation of c-Jun and , since Ser-249 of c-Jun was initially identified because it contains homology to sites of DNA-PK phosphorylation in other proteins , these data strongly suggest that the DNA-PK phosphorylates c-Jun at Ser-249 .
2 Mr Jefferson retired from his post as Naafi produce buyer in 1976 ; his wife worked for the railways during the war .
3 For each item , the children either had to complete a sentence , such as Snoopy has cream on his face so … or they were given a description of the clue , such as The clue is that Snoopy has cream on his face , and were asked to tell the Pink Panther about the clue and what they had worked out .
4 A feature known as Wordwrap takes care of normal line changing as each line is filled with text .
5 Branson had arranged to see an advertising agency about Oldfield producing music for a commercial for Dulux paint .
6 There was nothing Claudia would have liked more than for Dana to put distance between herself and Roman , but for Berenice 's sake she must n't be allowed to divert Garry 's attention away from his wife .
8 Fortuitously , parallel architectures cope well as network data servers , but again it is the software that will need to work for IBM to change mainframe into server .
9 Microsoft claims that it will be ‘ very , very difficult for IBM to maintain compatibility with Windows after September 1993 ’ under the agreement , but IBM disputes that inference .
10 Gail Smith writes ‘ The burden God has given me for Albania took root in 1982 the first time I ever heard mention of the country and people .
11 He also came by with old radios and plates , jugs and silver candlesticks , anything he picked up on his roaming trips around South London while he waited for Eva to continue work on the new flat .
12 Also during this day as He111P bomber of 5/KG 4 , one of several units passing through Sicily following action during the early stages of the Balkan Campaign , force-landed in the sea after a raid on Valetta .
13 Will the Prime Minister confirm that he personally was informed about British Steel 's decision to close Ravenscraig over a fortnight before the official announcement last week and that instead of trying to reverse the decision , he and the Secretary of State for Scotland took part in a conspiracy of silence ?
14 In his centenary greetings to the Army , the Secretary of State for Scotland paid tribute to their " massive contribution in the field of social welfare " .
15 They arrived in Carlingford to a fine drizzle , and just in time for Ellie to take part in the leprechaun hunt .
16 The Supreme Soviet also resolved on Oct. 25 to send a delegation of observers to the USSR Supreme Soviet 's Soviet of the Republics [ see below ] , noting that it was inexpedient for Ukraine to take part in inter-republican structures which could entail its forming part of another state .
17 For example , in order for Ukraine to get hold of Scythian gold , the republic not only has to declare its citizens the direct descendents of the Scythians , but also to prove that the remarkable Scythian objects at present held in the Hermitage were made by natives and not by itinerant ancient Greek craftsmen .
18 The Battle of Waterloo took place in June 1815 ; three weeks later Samuel Whitbread was dead .
19 The rest of Spain was held by Muslims , wrongfully , as the Christians saw it ; the emperor of León laid claim to the rest of the peninsula .
20 The owner , Professor Friedrich Hegi of Zurich , carried out considerable renovations , and the town of Winterthur took possession of the castle in 1947 .
21 Turkey seriously set about reform under Abdul Hamid and at last the sultan of Zanzibar abolished slavery in 1897 .
22 The use of the contract army , however , placed the king in the position of debtor to the military captains , most of whom were members of the titled nobility , and the sums owed by the crown to individual nobles might often be very substantial : in 1386 , for instance , the Earl of Northumberland reached agreement with the Exchequer whereby in return for £700 he discharged the king of all debts owing to the earl ‘ from any time past until the making of this indenture ’ , and the earl was discharged of the debts he incurred when he held the office of Admiral .
23 Of course , similar materials have been successfully applied to fibre pile , as in the present range of Pertex covered pile from buffalo Designs .
24 But old resentments died hard and they reappeared after 1290 , when Roger-Bernard III of Foix became vicomte of Béarn .
25 Once it was understood that the Masai used a system of rotational grazing , and that the uncertain climate of Masailand demanded flexibility from them in their movements , it was evident that , far from having too much land , they probably had too little .
26 It was a case of the cock and hens of Glentoran playing rooster at Dundela 's hen run .
27 For the closing phrases , by which time she 'd completely lost it and was just plain screaming , we all fell silent , because it was awesome ; and then when she had finished the victim of her fury slowly exited right on cue in complete silence , complete silence except for Madame 's heavy breathing and the sound of Gary playing recitative on the piano , for he had been playing along under her rage all the time , as if to support it , as if this really was music to our ears .
28 The other was the ability of Louis-Napoleon to make use of his legal position and his popularity with the masses .
29 What 's more , if I deem it to be necessary I shall call upon the Duke of Marlborough to give evidence on our behalf . ’
30 Possession of Stirling meant control of a crucial gateway between north and south .
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