Example sentences of "[prep] [noun prp] [verb] [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 Sharpe knew it was important for Dornberg to know where the Emperor was , for where Napoleon rode , that was the main French attack .
2 She felt an aching need for Fernando to soothe away the pain of desire from her loins .
3 hon. Member for Blaby blurted out the truth on television on Sunday when he said that what the Government were aiming for was ’ what the Conservative party would accept . ’
4 Waiting for Scott to pick up the telephone , Annabel could visualize the scene at the TV station .
5 When they gave quite unacceptable displays of dissent , such as Holding kicking down the stumps or Croft deliberately barging into an umpire who had no-balled him , Lloyd did nothing to discipline them in public view .
6 Those who are not may choose the more attractive route , going north to Koblenz , turning right to follow the Rhine , turning left about 8km ( 5 miles ) after Kaiserstuhl to pick up the same road through Jestetten .
7 A spokesman for Safeway said yesterday the company was hopeful of winning approval for its Blands Corner application and was not considering alternative sites in the area .
8 And so , Nicodemus would have been familiar with this story , and Jesus says as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness , even so , must the son of man be lifted up , but whoever believes in him may have eternal life .
9 A flashlight searched back and forth across the sleeping bodies of the coolies as the hulking figure of Duclos advanced down the barrack in a dripping black rain cape .
10 The blustery winds of March dried up the land so that when April arrived , with stronger sun and balmy air , the whole countryside sprang into new growth almost overnight .
11 The Act of Union stirred up the latent nationalism even of non-Jacobite Scots .
12 The Robinson twins of Coleraine battled out the 200 metre breast stroke for 14–15 years , and it was Louise who this time eclipsed Emma by five seconds .
13 The IRB professes to be the body administering world rugby , but the need for the existence of FIRA points out the IRB 's failure to take a truly world view of the game .
14 Wales , Toshiba took over the Rank factory in Plymouth , Tatung of Taiwan took over the Decca factory in Bridgenorth , Mitsubishi took over the Tandberg factory in Scotland and Sanyo has bought the Philips factory in Lowestoft .
15 In the course of his rectorial address at Edinburgh in 1907 , Haldane asserted that " when a leader of Ingenious comes forward the people may bow down before him , and surrender their wills , and eagerly obey " , since " to obey the commanding voice was to rise to a further and wider outlook , and to gain a fresh purpose " .
16 And having spoken to her on Saturday when she came along to the energy conservation stall I intend to invite her if it 's alright with the meeting to our next meeting which is on the ninth of February to discuss how the Greens can help how the University Greens can help us with that demonstration .
17 The loss of McCoist opens up the possibility of Jess playing his first full international from the start , having been used as a substitute against Italy .
18 Only by raising loans in New York and Paris could the Bank of England prop up the pound ; but foreign bankers were unwilling to risk their money unless the British Government balanced its budget .
19 As soon as the Bundesbank announced at 2pm that its discount rate would go up to 6 per cent and its Lombard emergency funding rate to 8 per cent , the Bank of England pushed up the base lending rate of British banks to 15 per cent , the highest for eight years .
20 The case of Sartre demonstrates why the assertion of ‘ history ’ against structuralism and poststructuralism must always remain problematical .
21 Isabella now sent Henry of Lancaster to the lordship of Glamorgan to hunt down the king and the younger Despenser .
22 Aw , c'm on , it was just like that in Australia not long ago : one of the wire services reports in a condescending way that under local law , the National Institute of Industrial Property of Brazil recognises only the principle of priority in brand names , so that companies like IBM Corp , Xerox Corp and Sony Corp have had to ‘ buy back ’ their names before they could do business under them in Brazil ; the US is pressing Brazil to change the law to protect internationally recognised brand names — but it is not so long ago that , legend has it , an enterprising travelling Australian spotted that car hire was becoming big business , so when he got home , he registered the names Hertz and Avis , sold the Hertz name back to the company when it wanted to set up in Australia — and then used the cash he got from Hertz to set up the Avis concession in Australia .
23 The entablature and cornice are decorated in a restrained manner and originally the tympanum was ornamented with a bronze relief of Zeus striking down the Greeks .
24 Another member of ASUTRAMES explained how the repression increased , until there came a point when the Association had to call a halt to its public activities .
25 The dazed figure of Tock tumbled out the front door of his battered home , rubbing his eyes and brushing the dust from his hair and pyjamas .
26 ‘ No thanks , ’ he replied , his face as long as a landslide , ‘ I once went to the House of Commons to see how the country was run .
27 The British experience was perceived by Michael Foot when in Opposition in the following way : ‘ I think one of the most serious threats to the power of the House of Commons is the notion which is growing up that you can have a meeting in Downing Street of the Executive and the CBI and the TUC who make an agreement that is binding and when it comes to the House of Commons the House of Commons has not the power … to tear that bargain apart ’ ( quoted in Grant 1977 , p. 169 ) .
28 His premature death opened the way for John Fothergill , an engineer and the first of five generations of Fothergills to head up the Tilery Bank business , to take over .
29 Just before Christmas the State of Baden-Württemberg pulled off the coup of acquiring the nearly 1,300 manuscripts for DM48 million , by common consent a very reasonable price .
30 And in the pine-clad kitchen littered with baby 's bottles , an icon of Jesus hangs on the wall .
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