Example sentences of "[prep] [noun prp] [adj] was [art] " in BNC.

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1 For Courtney this was a return to Africa , for he had been a big-game hunter and had once canoed down the Nile from Lake Victoria .
2 For Gregory this was a catholic crusade , and he was able to depict it as such by omitting to tell us that after " Vouillé " the Burgundians , who were still arian in his eyes , joined in the harassment of the Goths .
3 For Richard this was the year when he came to man 5 estate , for it was about this time that Louis VII knighted him .
4 It is important to be reminded , moreover , that although Darlington Hall was to witness many more events of equal gravity over the fifteen or so years that followed , that conference of March 1923 was the first of them ; one was , one supposes , relatively inexperienced , and inclined to leave little to chance .
5 Even in the post-war period Britain 's understanding of itself has continued to be fashioned by our taking a leading part in the containment of Germany that was the unspoken second function of the Nato Alliance .
6 The reign of Edward I was a period of development and definition .
7 ‘ The night of February 27 was a normal one .
8 The metal workers ' agreement of December 1969 was the key breakthrough on pay and conditions .
9 An essential precondition for the events of November 1990 was the government 's longer-term unpopularity as demonstrated by the opinion polls and by-election results .
10 The key feature of FRED 1 was the attempt to shift the emphasis in the p&l account from concentration on a single performance indicator to highlighting a range of important components of financial performance .
11 A major theme reported by the Financial Times of Feb. 27 was the effort of developing countries to adopt market-economy structural changes and to compete efficiently in the changed international climate .
12 The other possibility explained in our conversation of September 29 was an ‘ alternative choice to place it into a vintage aircraft auction . ’
13 Until 1980 local economic strategies took their place among the many uncontested , bipartisan policies of local government , although with the recession and the ‘ de-industrialization ’ of Britain this was an expanding activity for an increasing number of local authorities .
14 Thus the death of Catherine I of Russia in 1727 and the changes it produced in Russian policy in the Baltic brought about a reconciliation with Britain after a long period of antagonism ; the death in 1762 of the Empress Elizabeth meant Russia 's immediate withdrawal from the Seven Years War ; and the accession to the throne of Frederick II was an essential preliminary to the Prussian attack on Silesia in 1740 .
15 800m east of HMS Hazardous was an LCT or Canadian tank-landing craft that sank in 1944 .
16 It was FOUNTAINDALE near Mansfield that was the sight of the colourful first meeting of Robin Hood and Friar Tuck and in the village of BLIDWORTH , the church yard of St Mary of the Purification is said to be the resting place of Will Scarlet .
17 His winning goal against Oxford United was a perfect pick-me-up .
18 For Vincent this was a dream come true , working alongside a fellow artist in collaboration — two comrades , shoulder to shoulder .
19 v. Laughton that was a clear case of unlawful means and the approval should be read with that in mind .
20 Again the Chancellor comes to be usually a lawyer : Lord Shaftesbury under Charles II was the last Chancellor who had never been a practising lawyer .
21 Wilson 's most important and , to date , durable innovation in March 1974 was the creation , separate from the CPRS , of a Downing Street Policy Unit under Dr Bernard Donoughue , a political scientist from the London School of Economics .
22 What was said by a single inhabitant of Berchtesgaden in March 1945 was a sentiment undoubtedly close to the hearts of most Germans at this time : ‘ If we 'd have imagined in 1933 how things would turn out , we 'd never have voted for Hitler . ’
23 The years between the calling of the first Exclusion Parliament in the spring of 1679 and the meeting of the Oxford Parliament in March 1681 was the time when the Whigs were at the peak of their popularity , but this was a rather untypical situation , even for the Restoration era .
24 In March 1922 Steel-Maitland proposed a strong motion of confidence in Younger that was a clear rebuke to his critics ; Younger lowered the temperature by asking Steel-Maitland to withdraw the motion , but the Executive accepted this only " on the understanding that Sir Laming Worthington-Evans would make known to his colleagues in the Government that the Committee would bring the matter up again unless the attacks by Ministers on Sir George Younger ceased " .
25 The result in February 1974 was a Labour manifesto that promised ‘ a fundamental and irreversible shift in the balance of power and wealth in favour of working people and their families ’ — and only just stopped short of promising to nationalise the country 's leading 25 companies .
26 The royal grant of the castle and honour of Knaresborough , Yorkshire , in December 1314 was the first favour to come his way .
27 The election of Slobodan Milosevic as Serbia 's president in December 1990 was a pity , but not undemocratic ; and , whatever his past influence , he does not control Bosnia 's Serbs .
28 The second , uttered by Sir Keith Joseph , the Conservative Secretary of State for Education and Science in the present government , in a speech at Sheffield in January 1984 was no less frank :
29 Transfer of all Anglo-Scottish sleeping car services from the East to the West Coast main line from May 1988 was a similar decision based on a corporate rather than a regional viewpoint .
30 The sudden purchase of a 2.8% stake by Lord Hanson , the archpredator , in May 1991 was the clearest possible signal that the company was in trouble , and vulnerable .
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