Example sentences of "[prep] [noun prp] [prep] this time " in BNC.

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1 The pope made no direct statement about Lichfield at this time but Aethelheard visited Rome in 801 ( ASC A , s.a. 799 ) and the pope wrote to him in January 802 ( and to Coenwulf ) conceding to Aethelheard and his successors authority over all the churches of the Anglo-Saxons ( with reference specifically to the twelve bishoprics of the southern province ) .
2 What is remarkable about Ireland at this time is the lack of resistance to the authority of Canterbury : as a result , Anselm was able without controversy to extend the area within which the authority of Canterbury was effective .
3 Leslie Phillips speaks affectionately of Ken at this time .
4 But memories of Ken at this time still tend to revolve more around the fun .
5 The aggressive reaction in favour of Sacheverell at this time , however , should not obscure the fact that the whole affair merely served to fuel religious tensions which already existed in many parts of the country .
6 Hardly less damaging for the Church was clerical incontinency , which sometimes led to the son succeeding the father in a benefice or parish , as reported in the diocese of Worcester at this time , " so dishonouring ecclesiastical dignity and the canon law " .
7 The overseas economy of Kent was the most developed in early Anglo-Saxon England ; so strong is this overseas flavour of the Kentish economy and its society ; that it can almost be seen as part of the Continent rather than the rest of England at this time .
8 Diodorus ' narrative of Sicily at this time is in a way superior to that of Thucydides , who in his introduction to the Athenian expedition against Sicily in 415–413 undertakes to explain his view that Athens was biting off more than she could chew .
9 Walcott suggested there was a three-fold division in the House of Commons at this time : the government interest , which comprised placemen , pensioners and those who in other ways were dependent upon the Court for their position ; a large body of independent back-bench MPs ; and a middle group of professional politicians , which could be divided into seven " connections " , each tied together by family and personal relationships and electoral interests , and which were caught in a struggle for power between the " ins " and " outs " .
10 Hudson has concluded that Cnut received the submission of the Scots in 1031 in Strathclyde , during a naval expedition into the Irish Sea , and whether or not Echmarcach did rule in Galloway and the Isle of Man at this time ( see above ) , his presence at the meeting could be relevant to Cnut 's relations with the Irish .
11 The history of the house of Armagnac at this time is poorly documented , but a greater dependence upon sources of income , power and influence in the gift of the French crown seems evident .
12 The little hard evidence we have of Sybil at this time points to a tough and cheerful woman who had made her deal and stood by it .
13 Buildings are of the plentiful stone from the district and the sculpture is of as high quality as in the north of Italy at this time .
14 Ambiguities of this kind constantly disturb our attempts to describe the social organization of Europe at this time ; and behind them all lies a more fundamental uncertainty .
15 Romans , and even some men from southern Italy , were attracted to Paris as the intellectual centre of Europe at this time .
16 Alone of the countries of Europe during this time England presented a more or less single , unified group .
17 A major issue to be explored is why social disruption failed to stimulate unrest in lowland Scotland unlike other areas of Britain at this time .
18 The status of Mycenae at this time was almost certainly politically independent of the Minoans , but culturally and artistically Mycenae was strongly influenced by them .
19 Three of his pupils — William Nicholson , Thomas Thornely , and John Lowe — went on to Caius College at Cambridge , a connection no doubt brought about by the Rector of Stockport at this time , Richard Gerard , a Fellow of Caius and Chaplain to Elizabeth I. Nicholson was from Reddish , but the others came from farther afield : Thornely from Denton , and Lowe from Haughton , both in Lancashire .
20 The US decision was criticized by ASEAN in a final communiqué which stated that " attempts to change the [ UN ] representation of Cambodia at this time … would set back the search for a comprehensive political solution to the problem " .
21 We must be well past Malmesbury by this time , Isabel thought .
22 But the public image of Hitler at this time did not reflect the pre-eminence of the ‘ Jewish Question ’ in his own thinking .
23 When asked her opinion of Ricky at this time Marsh Dunbar described him as ‘ a vision ’ .
24 Alcuin was also critical of the new Northumbrian king , Eardwulf , but when Eardwulf was driven out of his kingdom in 806 he was restored two years later through the intervention of Charlemagne and the pope ( see above , p. 157 ) , a clear enough demonstration of the continued maintenance of Northumbria at this time as a Carolingian sphere of influence .
25 Further , although Marseilles was under the rule of Childebert by this time , the latter 's governor Rathar , arrested Theodore and sent him to Guntram .
26 Yet no one in the West could seriously contemplate a war with Russia at this time .
27 To go into Cambridge at this time on our brief off-duty periods was really a life-saver and I used to go whenever I could , very often alone .
28 It was recommended that the United States should not urge a definitive peace settlement with Japan at this time owing to the Soviet Union 's policy of militant communist expansion .
29 ’ Eliot 's relationship with London at this time is a mixture of love and hate .
30 Everyone who worked with Laura at this time agrees that , as a fashion editor , she had a sure instinct about forecasting trends , a canny feel for coordinating colour and fabric that was invariably right , and knowledge of which of the latest details could be adapted to the ‘ Laura Ashley ’ look .
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