Example sentences of "[prep] [adv] the [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 As for public relations , who could dislike for long the public relations man with his gin and tonic in hand , carnation in his button-hole , and soothing , helpful words ?
2 For entirely the wrong reasons , of course . ’
3 In the Lyrical Essays , I found someone who , like me , was happiest writing about sunlight and blue skies — but for exactly the opposite reasons .
4 The grading curriculum consists of only the basic techniques that have been learned so far .
5 these figures equate to LIFESPAN 08.00 database files of approximately the following sizes :
6 The name does not necessarily imply a simple circulatory motion , but one can often identify characteristic features of particularly the large eddies .
7 She watched as the boy ate ravenously , he was one of a large family and though his father was in regular employment at the copper works , he drank a great deal and kept his wife and children short of even the bare necessities of life .
8 Proper comparable testing of even the electrical units requires laboratory conditions and cleanliness
9 Nineteenth-century legs were no longer to be clad in fancy hose , and by 1810 with most of even the skilled stockingers crowded into the plain branch , prices and wages began to tumble .
10 I was reminded of stories about some immigrant Irish who arrived in America in the aftermath of the Great Hunger , bereft of even the basic skills of domestic cookery .
11 The immense width of the two main roads , one with a minimum width of practically a hundred feet and the other of sixty-six feet , reflects the state of even the main roads before the days of the turnpikes and above all of the scientific roadmaking initiated by Metcalf and Macadam in the late eighteenth century .
12 There has been scanty analysis of either the individual members of the household 's different structural relationship to housing , or of households that do not comply with the nuclear family model .
13 The computer 's place in all this was in the control of either the mechanical discs or strips that carried the images of each character or , later on , in the generation and display of the characters themselves on a CRT .
14 For once the major characters seem like flesh-and-blood creations , and the comedy has a surprising depth of emotion .
15 It could give a whole new meaning to DROP-in centres and old folks ' CLUBS and mean that for once the social workers wo n't be criticised for making a balls-up … or down .
16 All these can act against only the aquatic stages , that is to say they are ‘ larvicides ’ and , as I have already emphasised , malaria control by such an attack is likely to be effective only in limited situations .
17 Some ingenious shots that peel away Cosgrove 's rural mattes to reveal the cityscape behind even the real buildings , such as Selznick 's own trademark administration building ( luckily built by Thomas Ince in the Greek-classical porticoed style of Southern plantation mansions ) , are shown in David Hinton 's well-researched documentary , Making of a Legend : Gone With The Wind .
18 Finally , we suppose that labour is the variable factor of production and that workers like equally the non-monetary aspects of jobs in the films and meals industries .
19 Romanian nationalist parties had attempted through the courts to force elections to be held with only the participating candidates from the first elections , which would have excluded the HDUR , whose candidate had then been ruled ineligible by a local court [ see p. 38778 ] .
20 While happily pleasuring concubines for several hours , they were apparently able to sign documents brought to them and even discuss urgent matters with visitors , with only the occasional movements from down below to make sure that they remained erect in connection with the other matter to hand .
21 Yuletide and Twelfth Night passed with only the occasional carols in church , for no one dared to go out at night .
22 This family is characterised by the disk being ill-defined or constricted with the arms appearing to continue to the centre of the disk in some genera ; the disk may be covered with skin or a dense coating of granules ; the long and narrow radial shields ; the reduced papillae on the jaw with only the apical papillae well developed and the oral papillae small , like enlarged granules ; the genital slits situated vertically on the sides of the disk ; the arms long and covered with skin or granules .
23 A subfamily of the Ophiacanthidae with a sack-like disk covered with thickened skin or thin scales which often carry spinelets or granules ; radial shields variable in shape , either rib-like with only the distal ends not covered by scales or short with most of the plate visible ; the jaws distinctly longer than broad ; one or sometimes as many as three large blunt apical papillae flanked on each side by three to many oral papillae ; in most genera the second oral tentacle pore arising superficially or nearly so and the associated tentacle scales often forming a continuous series with the oral papillae ; the oral tentacle scales often spine-like and larger than the oral papillae , except in Ophiolimna where the second oral tentacle pore is obscured by a large opercular distal oral papillae ; nearly all genera with well developed elongated adoral shields and a large oral shield ; the tentacle pores of the arm mostly large and often with small spine-like tentacle scales although some genera with smaller pores armed with well developed tentacle scales ; the arm spines relatively short usually only slightly longer than one arm segment .
24 Hotels with only the basic facilities can attract this type of business by putting together composite package deals and offering them to the conference agencies .
25 Forcing her mind away from what Rune had told her about the time he 'd spent with Lotta and how the relationship had evaporated with only the bitter dregs left in evidence , she allowed it to dwell on how they 'd spent the rest of the day .
26 Later , much later , they breakfasted out on the balcony with only the Portuguese gardeners near by to disturb their peace .
27 Others were picked up opportunistically because a visitor or student arrived with just the right skills or interests to move ahead on a front I might otherwise have neglected .
28 A good listener , she responded sensitively , with just the right questions .
29 I did one exam before I went up , then had three years at Oxford with just the final exams at the end .
30 If searching was done with just the basic actions , then R1.1 would only gain its first bit of credit after the fifth search , and then it would gain a mere 1/64th. of a point of credit .
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