Example sentences of "[prep] [adv] [v-ing] on the " in BNC.

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1 After nearly perishing on the moors , she is taken in and cared for by the Reverend St John Rivers and his sisters Mary and Diana .
2 Secondly , much effort over the years has gone into education for road safety , though the concentration on advice to adult pedestrians and training for children has the unfortunate effect of apparently placing on the victim the principal responsibility for avoiding an accident .
3 Anyone entering the shrine committed the insult of literally stepping on the head of the Roman emperor .
4 The importance of persuading individuals to save for their own pension instead of just relying on the State has been recognised by successive governments .
5 It is her methods , and those of the other anthropologists mentioned , that are our major interest here , but this problem does highlight , at an early stage , one of the basic drawbacks of ethnography — the impossibility of ever checking on the findings of such research by exactly repeating it .
6 The answer is that it saw the way the wind was blowing and instead of desperately tripping its users up as they tried to move to open systems , it embraced them wholeheartedly , giving users the option of either staying on the slow track with an MPE V operating system that over time would converge with Unix , or taking the fast track and jumping across to the HP 9000 .
7 There may be considerable scepticism about Pascal 's case for always wagering on the outsider if the odds are high enough .
8 He wished she was n't for ever tapping on the door of the room that was meant to be his , calling out to him when he did n't answer .
9 Work a number of test pieces before finally deciding on the tension you are going to use and sample .
10 In the decades since , it 's been glanced at by the likes of Hal Ashby , Anthony Quinn and Jack Nicholson , before finally arriving on the desk of Blake Edwards , where a script by Cry Freedom writer John Briley jostles for space with Son Of Pink Panther .
11 They were paid by these , and by the pennies of helpless men and women who might be forced to cross half of a strange continent before even embarking on the Atlantic crossing : from central Europe to Le Havre , or across the North Sea and via the smoky Pennine valleys to Liverpool .
12 We began our laborious task without once reflecting on the many dangers that might attend it .
13 Just seem to keep moving all the time without even running on the spot .
14 You ca n't be single-minded , energetic , enterprising and direct without occasionally erring on the side of pig-headedness , foolhardiness and bad temper . ’
15 If this is an improvised one such as a pierced cake tin , without feet to raise it from the plate on which it drains , set it in the top of a basin , mixing bowl , saucepan , wide jar , or any vessel in which it will fit without actually resting on the bottom .
16 A sticker is earned for initially sitting on the lavatory for the required length of time .
17 CALL ME old , call me antiquated , but I remember a time when The Railway Children were , if not quite press darlings , then at least going on the occasional date with the media .
18 But these developments , while welcome , do not usually amount to a cross-disciplinary vehicle for systematically reflecting on the quality of the student learning .
19 But Derek and I both made mistakes at first ; simple things really , such as accidentally standing on the creance just as the bird came across , so that the poor thing got dumped .
20 If the slide is thoroughly clean and the fixation satisfactory , the droplet should expand evenly and , by gently blowing on the slide , the final evaporation will be hastened .
21 Try the bed out — you ca n't judge it by gingerly sitting on the side , so slip off your shoes and lie down
22 The mother will protect it from predators , such as eagles , and will try to ensure that it does n't fall down the mountainside by always standing on the downhill side of it .
23 You can return from the window icon to the normal window size by either clicking on the icon and selecting RESTORE from the menu which pops up , or by double clicking on the window icon .
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