Example sentences of "[prep] [adv] [adv] [noun] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The Vauxhall Corsa Merit — automatic motoring for just over £7,500. p/37/
2 A North American bird recently established in English West Midlands ; smaller than White-headed Duck , with much less white on head of more uniformly chestnut drake .
3 During his final years he extensively revised , rewrote and rearranged his poems , especially The Prelude , and although the changes he made are not always improvements , they add up to the formation of the definitive text of the poems , so that many lines and phrases which we think of as unmistakably Wordsworth date from these latter years .
4 In the Inverness Courier ( price 3d ) of that early September week in 1876 the usual wide-ranging local and international topics were aired .
5 They were on the choppy , wavelike hills before Milford , a narrow road with too much Friday evening traffic heading south , against them , for Maxim to risk trying to overtake an elderly truck in front .
6 Until today only season ticket- and voucher-holders could apply for tickets for Monday 's Play-Off Final against Leicester , but now they 're on general sale .
7 Right now when you come back from this far east trip , would you like to have this as your address ?
8 But was this some kind of hangover from that early separation experience ?
9 Unfortunately there is confusion in the literature and the required procedures may be referred to as either skills analysis or task analysis ( Seymour 1968 , Singer and Ramsden 1969 , Miller 1962 ) .
10 I think it would be appropriate to very briefly sir preface erm not by name obviously , who I represent , the interests I represent , because otherwise my comments may be misconstrued erm by certain parties who know me well , I represent certain peripheral land owner and developer interests around York , I also represent a developer who is proposing a n new village circa fifteen hundred dwellings in the Leeds metropolitan district er to the East of Wetherby , that is relevant when I come to the location and a migration aspects , er I would preface the rest of my comments by saying I consider it is vitally important , sir , that this enquiry takes a sub-regional view , this is why my colleague from Leeds City Council I 'm sure 's been invited , it 's why the Department of the Environment Regional Office are here , very important indeed .
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