Example sentences of "[prep] [pers pn] at [adj] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Keep condoms handy , so you do n't have to go tearing around looking for them at that crucial moment .
2 A forward contract is an agreement between two counterparties that fixes the terms of an exchange that will take place between them at some future date .
3 A futures contract is also an agreement between two counterparties that fixes the terms of an exchange that will take place between them at some future date .
4 ‘ Shee-it , ’ I said , and felt guilty that I was leaving the island without sharing the chicken dinner that Sarah Straker was doubtless cooking for me at that very moment .
5 Since 1985 , Heidrick and Struggles in London has more than tripled its number of consultants — from five to fifteen — most of them at first new to search and comparatively young .
6 She had once thought of herself as unique , had been encouraged ( in theory at least ) by her education and by her reading to believe in the individual self , the individual soul , but as she grew older she increasingly questioned these concepts : seeing people perhaps more as flickering impermanent points of light irradiating stretches , intersections , threads , of a vast web , a vast network , which was humanity itself : a web of which much remained dark , apparently but not necessarily unpeopled : peopled by the dark , the unlit , the dim spirits , as yet unknown , the past and the future , the dead , the unborn : and herself , and Brian , and Liz , and Charles , and Esther , and Teddy Lazenby , and Otto and Caroline Werner , and all the rest of them at that bright party , and in these discreet anonymous dark curtained avenues and crescents were but chance and fitful illuminations , chance meetings , chance and unchosen representatives of the thing itself .
7 I 'm not being one of them at any given time , because that is so stupid .
8 There are now enough people , especially on the Tory side , with a vested interest in the methodology of politics , many of them at any given time out in the cold , to make the lives of incumbents difficult .
9 But erm , I have n't seen much of her at all this week , because erm , they 've all been out , I mean , they went up to London to see Miss Saigon , and they were gon na go out for a meal up there , and
10 The little cunt who made me parade in front of him at eight thirty in the morning so I erm
11 I did n't like the look of it at all this morning .
12 How we buy food also has an influence on how much we eat of it at any one meal .
13 To sum up , in positing an item as an ontological existent we are at the same time by implication positing this item as a potential subject of a non-arbitrary subset of predicates from among an indefinite number of meaningful predicates , and hence as completely determinate with regard to possible descriptions that may be given of it at any given time .
14 Did the union act for you at this particular time then ?
15 Radcliffe is not a wise choice of companion for you at this particular point in your family crisis .
16 We 'll have an update for you at ten thirty and all the overnight stories in our bulletins tomorrow morning from six fifteen onwards .
17 And ten against you now at a hundred and ten pounds , one twenty on the aisle , one thirty , one forty , one fifty , one sixty , near me at one sixty , any more at a hundred and sixty pounds , seventy one eighty one ninety any more ?
18 Lot nineteen nineteen cylindrical vase there 's the carved vase showing thirty for this one , at thirty pounds , at thirty five , at thirty five pounds at thirty five pounds , any more at thirty five only , at forty in front , forty five fifty in front , five fifty five against you , near me at fifty five pounds , you all finished now , at fifty five , any more at fifty five .
19 One hundred pounds and ten , one twenty one twenty , it 's against you now , one thirty , one forty , one fifty , one sixty against you at one sixty , the bid 's with me at one sixty , any more ?
20 One hundred and ten against you one hundred and ten pounds against you at one ten is my bid at one hundred and ten , all done ?
21 It 's down there at two forty at two fifty still against you at two fifty , any more ?
22 Against you at two twenty two forty two sixty two sixty seated on the right , any more at two sixty ?
23 It 's with me and I 'll sell at four hundred and twenty , four fifty against you at four fifty , any more ?
24 Six hundred , six fifty against you at six hundred and fifty pounds , any more ?
25 Lot number twenty two twenty two , the gilt-bronze and enamel model showing at a hundred and fifty pounds one fifty I 'm offered , thank you , one hundred and fifty pounds I 've got , one sixty , one seventy , one eighty , ninety two hundred and twenty , forty , sixty two eighty , three hundred three hundred pounds against you at three hundred , anybody else ?
26 Twenty , three fifty against you at three fifty now , any more ?
27 At seven hundred pounds , seven fifty eight hundred eight hundred , it 's against you now , any more at eight hundred pounds still with me at eight hundred , are you all done at eight hundred pounds ?
28 It 's with me at six hundred and fifty pounds all done at six fifty then ?
29 Twenty , three fifty , three eighty four hundred and twenty , four fifty four eighty , five hundred and fifty , six hundred six hundred pounds against you now , it 's with me at six hundred pounds , are you all done ?
30 Three fifty then and I shall sell at three fifty , three eighty , four hundred four hundred pounds now , still with me at four hundred , against you all in the room and I 'll sell at four hundred pounds .
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