Example sentences of "[prep] [pers pn] you know [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Oh that 's good I could n't you see it 's very difficult for me you know I have to look up there I can never distinguish one one one call from another .
2 been out with a woman 's erm undressed in front of you you know you 've done the bit you 've er you 've managed to er within three easy steps undo the bra with one hand whilst er telling her you know you 're a really nice guy and there 's no chance of going too far and all that sort of thing and you know you get you get fairly carried away you may even be under the sheets
3 Er you know , perhaps if Baden Powell might have appr approved it , of it you know it 's it 's
4 No I was n't there I was in Switzerland but it was quite nice because they had carte blanche they have some preview of it you know you had like a band playing
5 As you get older and you get more experienced of it you know you y you begin to realize that , I mean this album , I 've done this album and I haven , I 've have n't just sung on this album and made sounds , which is what I did with What Do You Want , I 've sung on this album and said something .
6 Then it gives me great pleasure now to erm I always knew that John al , has had something different from the rest of us you know he has that kind of air does n't he , that that status in the pulpit which you know , ?
7 But if er if folks spoke about you you know they would they would say you were a singer ?
8 Are you with me you know what I mean ?
9 you 've grown up with them you know what you can do with numbers
10 I , I am friendly with them you know I , I go every Wednesday there , for er , well when I can , every Wednesday because something , something always creeps up on a Wednesday to keep away from them , er , sort of for tea and then with
11 Yeah and if you go in and think it 's like all the other museums you have charts you have figures statistics along with you you know it 's rather very sad but it 's entertaining
12 But oh they could rustle it and they 'd they just knew by the just did this with it you know they would know .
13 oh yeah , oh , I do n't know what you do with 'em you know me I do n't
14 Yeah and er you know we can do a certain amount but I think if you went away from that you can go away from it a little bit but I think if you went too much away the people that you have and and our audience when we 've got them you know , they tend to stay with us you know they do n't change like the the youngsters and when we started off first you know our audience were mainly over forty five fifty plus really and now they 're down to we 're getting you know loads of of people in their twenties and in their teens and even down to kids like last night , five and six years old .
15 But she was er she was like a broody hen with us you know she was forever watching and looking and making sure we were alright .
16 Yeah , I I wrote the thing as you remember about eighteen months ago , but it had no conflict in it you know we 're all the same and stories must have conflict , so I got the house to burst the ceiling on the wife
17 Oh about eight , seven or eight , but when we first went there the honourable S G W was the vicar , fourth son of the Earl of and er , oh you he was there then afterwards er Father came , and I used to do altar serving oh I was never interested in it you know I was forced into it .
18 do n't you shout for her you know what cos I have n't got it
19 The departmental systems maybe mission critical in other words they may be important to them you know they may be necessary to doing business to getting out orders or what have you .
20 My mum , my mum was saying that erm , at Maria 's playgroup , they were erm , they got , they got a ticking off , because of , they said to them you know you really should be introducing black dolls to the children , which is fair enough , but they also
21 thirty to me you know what you 've got
22 they live in the , a beautiful house , a little house , old , very old and erm they always said there was a secret passage underneath and my , my uncle er used to er he used , he named , he named some locks , my uncle did a till lock and when I star began to work there er they were called Salmon Baits and er Mr said to me you know he said er it 's your un they used to call him Trot , my uncle , it 's your uncle Trot that named them and I said was it and it was a till lock and they could n't get them right er they were having trouble with these particular till locks , and er my uncle said to Mr when he went around they were having trouble and he said , all these locks all these things are good for a bait for Salmon and then they were called Salmon Bait and they were traded as Salmon Bait so
23 he rolls around on me you know my cheeks my ears and my hair does n't he ?
24 Told ya , I know when I were in hospital I had that stuff on me you know it were terrible even though it was
25 The landlord said to him you know she , she she sort of took a lease out for three years on it .
26 Oh well I 've got a bit of a stomach ache and I want to talk to her you know it 's women problems .
27 We used to have to catch the bus every morning and go to Chingford to school until Mark Hall was built and , erm and there was only one part of Mark Hall school built when we went there , there was only a few classrooms and er , it 's all grew up , the school grew up around us you know it 's a bit
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