Example sentences of "[prep] [pers pn] at the [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 These data were all to hand by early February and he prepared to speak about them at the APS ( American Physical Society ) meeting set for 1 May , sending in an abstract for the announcement of the talk .
2 The Rabbitohs were to contribute to international Rugby League one of the great backs of any era , Clive Churchill , the Little Master , so dazzling there is even a stand named after him at the Sydney Cricket Ground .
3 He has eaten plenty of them at the Brighton guest house where the Commonwealth of Independent States team , paid for by race sponsors ADT , have stayed since arriving .
4 The best eye-witness reports came from European officials living in the two important towns of Batavia and Buitenzorg , where there were even some useful scientific recording instruments — one of them at the Batavia town gasworks — and from the officers on board the various vessels that were on passage through the Straits at the time of the eruption .
5 He was a follower of Sham 69 and I remember going to a concert of theirs at the LSE and almost getting beaten up by skinheads .
6 ‘ Lost track of you at the Urvills ’ party , Prentice , ’ Ashley said .
7 Before entering the Church of Our Lady Before the Týn , look in front of it at the Týn School , which is in Gothic style with 16 gables and a strange bulging turret in the centre of the façade .
8 I 'd like to present on behalf of Colonel centre , a plaque from all of us at the Three-Ninetieth at D M Museum .
9 He 's waiting for you at the Burlington airstrip .
10 ‘ Just a case of first-night nerves , ’ I mutter , unlocking my legs and grasping at the steaming mug.Ruthie Henshall opens tonight in Crazy For You at the Prince Edward Theatre , London .
11 I enjoyed meeting up with you at the JNCC presentation on Monday evening and was impressed in particular by Lord Selbourne 's clear determination ( shared by all the country council chairmen ) to make the JNCC both an effective co-ordinating body between the councils and a strategic ‘ think tank ’ on issues where a UK or an international perspective is essential .
12 I want to drink tea with you at the Samoyovska Hotel in Kiev , and vodka with you in the evening in a place where they used to play gypsy music when I was a student .
13 Having the children with her at the Everest base camp on the Western Cwm ice fall would not be a problem , as dad was coming too to look after them .
14 It was n't until I threatened to bring my men down to discuss it with him at the Swan Inn that he had a change of mind .
15 We went and had lunch with him at the India Club on Wall Street .
16 She had won the Fur and Feather Section with him at the Sandringham Show — ‘ Maybe that was because he was the only entry , ’ she observes drily — and later won the Palmer Cup for Pets ' Corner at her new school .
17 He arranged for us all to have a drink with him at The Roebuck .
18 Initially , Calandrini was on excellent terms with his mentor , De Dominis , lodging with him at the Savoy Hospital .
19 Michael Grant , who was 24 , died within moments of a fuel oil tank exploding under him at the Midlands Electricity power station in Plough Lane , Hereford last August .
20 Instead , the architects , McKay and Forresters , of Glasgow , were presented with it at the Edinburgh reception .
21 Shirley Valentine fitted the bill and Paula appeared in it at the Playhouse .
22 Although belated , the gesture will win Mr Kaifu kudos in Washington , and guarantee a warm welcome for him at the London summit of rich countries ' leaders in July .
23 I followed Jones at the Tournament of Champions , which he won , and even predicted victory for him at the Bob Hope , which he also won .
24 He spends all his pocket money on padlocks , and for a birthday treat for him today the red carpet was laid out for him at the Chubb Lock Factory in Wolverhampton .
25 The record company had been lending it to me for the last six months , but they gave it to me at the London gig as a present because Andy MacDonald — the feller who owns the company — was so into the gig !
26 He had put up at a cheap pension , the Hospedaje Lisboa ( ‘ Camas , Comidas ’ — Rooms , Meals ) , where he had an even smaller room than the one assigned to me at the Colegio .
27 Ministers have taken the decision despite warnings from some civil servants that their failure to fund research into nuclear safety could backfire on them at the Sizewell public inquiry now under way in Suffolk .
28 Mr Christie , backed by the campaigning organisation Liberty , yesterday announced he was making a formal complaint to the European Commission on Human Rights over the routine interception of telexes sent to him at the STUC 's Glasgow headquarters by a special unit within GCHQ .
29 ‘ Words fail one at such moments ’ said the President when the news was broken to him at the Kremlin by the Norwegian Ambassador , but immediately recovering his powers of speech , he said he did n't see the prize as a personal achievement .
30 Two letter of thanks were then read — the first from Edith Harlow thanking all the teachers for the lovely handbag , matching gloves and cheque which were presented to her at the Essex Rally together with a jewel box , cheque , flowers and an iced cake all given by Essex teachers and class members .
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