Example sentences of "[prep] [pers pn] with a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Those people who have had deep religious experiences often talk about them with a sense of awe — the feeling many of us have had as little children when we 've been in the presence of something powerful and magnificent .
2 He was crouching amidst the emptied-out debris of her possessions , sorting through them with a patience that was deceptively gentle .
3 So the simplest method of disconnecting the pipes is to saw through them or to cut through them with a pipe cutter .
4 see through me with a voice of rival , rival calm when she called me in for tea , have a go
5 He was sitting waiting for them with a bone in his mouth .
6 I I went to Dolgarrog came for me with a car and Mr could n't be there .
7 The difficulties that a Martian or child might have with such a system are neatly illustrated in the following Yiddish story : A melamed [ Hebrew teacher ] discovering that he had left his comfortable slippers back in the house , sent a student after them with a note for his wife .
8 Of course this is where a mountain bike could come in handy , but you 'd have to put up with walkers pointing at you and shouting ‘ tosser ’ , and landowners chasing after you with a stick as another slice of expensive path slides into the burn after being cut neatly away by fat tyres .
9 Their mother had been forever running after her with a pencil box or an exercise book or a threepenny piece for church collection , and the maid had turned up a lost doll , a coin , a glove in every corner .
10 She left abruptly and Emily closed the door after her with a sigh of relief .
11 Because if he treated her as her father had treated Odette , she knew she would not bear it so patiently , would not bless him on the day he finally left her , as Odette had done , but would go after him with a knife to hunt him down .
12 She had been his housekeeper since he had first moved into the rectory with Adelaide , and she looked after him with a devotion bordering on obsession .
13 It would be insipid to say this book loves football , it does n't , it lusts after it with a taste for the perverse and the painful .
14 It 's worn well ; David must be looking after it with a coat of stop-rot now and then . ’
15 I stood frozen to the spot unable to do anything ; I could see soldiers diving for cover ; the Frenchman who was coming towards me with a smile on his bearded face was now lying on the ground .
16 As I walked to the hotel one of the Turkish rafters rushed towards me with a copy of Turkey 's most popular article about the first day of the trip with a picture of my good self and another British journalist , both wrapped in blankets looking forlorn .
17 City are thus able to check the Premier table to find they have eight teams below them with a gap of nine points separating them from the relegation zone .
18 However most walkers were enjoying the view of me with a glove covered in steaming soup and a face streaming with tears .
19 After reversing one move his feet slipped , followed rapidly by his hands , and a moment later he landed on top of me with a crash of flailing limbs and a clatter of runners .
20 The Ferghana party secretary was shot and slightly wounded when he tried to address a crowd ; and 5,000 men armed with automatic rifles and pistols were reported to have stormed party and government buildings in the ancient city of Kokand ( if Izvestiya 's report was to be believed , they carried a portrait of Lenin in front of them with a message written on the back of it which called for the slaughter of all Turks and Russians and ended ‘ Long live the Islamic republic and Ayatollah Khomeini ’ ) .
21 When Morley brought out his Canzonets or Little Short Aers to five and sixe Voices in 1597 , he also provided most of them with a lute transcription of the lower voices .
22 Behind the gun barrel , we could now see the tank crew sitting on the turret of the T-62 , one of them with a cloth tied round his forehead .
23 If it 's jewellery it 's harder , it will show up , erm if you 're marking things like engagements rings , then the best thing to do is actually take photographs of them with a ruler or some sort of erm comparison of the size of the item cos if you do like a a ring on a photograph it 's gon na , it 's gon na come out like a , so if you got a ruler to say , you know , it 's only sort of one and a half inches in width or whatever , then we can actually get a clear picture of , of that .
24 They were a motley crew half a dozen young men in shabby clothes , some still wearing khaki tunics and caps and one of them with a placard across his chest saying : Ex-Service — please help .
25 It is interesting to trace the different ways in which these children attempt to synthesise the text , both of them with a basis of good oral reading .
26 Well , they would have showed a wider picture of the actual picture , and apparently they take , co , the photographers had taken a baby away from it 's mother he 's standing in the middle of a desert , and there 's a picture of them with a baby and all these photographers photographing it !
27 if other members have material on similar themes , the Social Secretary will be pleased to hear of them with a view to their incorporation in a future programme .
28 On Saturday they face League leaders Rangers , who are four points ahead of them with a game in hand .
29 But as usual I affected a supreme unconcern , and floated past them with a sway of the hips that was a touch exaggerated .
30 A waiter threaded past them with a tray of delicious looking amber-coloured drinks , with ice and fruit on top .
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