Example sentences of "[prep] [pers pn] [prep] their [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ( The Siege of Troy is available in the same series and is my own favourite of the three , with Helen , Menelaus , Hector and Achilles , and Memnon with the ‘ dark cloud ’ of his warriors from countries so hot that men 's skins are burnt black and nothing is white about them except their teeth .
2 In the book Tracy does n't tell us anything about them except their names merely that she could n't work with them .
3 No material is given about their activities as Mufti , and no anecdotes are related about them in their capacity as Mufti , though something is related about each in his capacity as kadi .
4 The ruins of so many Indian palaces — Mandu , for example , or the great Hindu capital of Hampi — still retain an aura of great dignity about them in their wreckage , but in the Red Fort that aura is notable by its absence .
5 You learn about them from their words and actions , and there is no elaborate description .
6 Mrs Wadland 's husband disappeared during the lambing season , the busiest time of year for them at their farm in Woodford Halse , Northamptonshire .
7 Thus , if S subscribes for 200 of these shares and pays the company for them at their face ( par ) value , S 's future personal liability for any debts incurred by the company is nil .
8 When they did enough to earn wages , they were allowed to keep or spend half , the other half being saved for them on their release .
9 The Court of Appeal of Bermuda allowed the defendants ' appeal and gave judgment for them on their counterclaim .
10 ‘ We fast for them on their feast days ’ , Augustine had said of the few remaining pagans , ‘ so that they themselves might become the spectacle ’ .
11 He said but unfortunately because he 's boisterous , which he is and because it 's easier for them with their numbers to let him just get away with it or say oh Martin go outside we ca n't , you know , then then he was n't learning
12 The two of them were drooping by then , in reaction from their long and laborious walk home , and sleepy from the wine mulled for them with their supper .
13 I used to do all their printing for them for their photographers . .
14 Traditionally , Mother and Baby Homes were religious-based , charity-run institutions that took in girls who had " fallen " , and cared for them during their pregnancy and for some time afterwards .
15 Many of the mothers felt their children had been subjected to physical and emotional abuse by those caring for them during their absence , and were concerned about their lack of academic progress at school .
16 He is also puzzled by the fact that the Smyrna and Georgetown plants both have a pool of job applicants selected for them by their state governments before they make the final choice .
17 Beyond that lay the Germans ' barbed wire , and beyond that still the Germans , waiting for them in their trenches .
18 With no experience of being accepted for who and what they were and are , it is hard for them in their turn to accept the other for what he or she is , or is becoming .
19 We pray for them in their studies .
20 Most gliding instructors are aware of these problems and watch out for them in their students .
21 About 60 per cent of self-poisoners take psychotropic drugs that have been prescribed for them in their overdoses ( Hawton et al. 1977 ) .
22 So the majority of golfers are best advised simply to judge the wind conditions and allow for them in their choice of club and aim .
23 When they had gone , Lily cried for them in their helplessness , feeling , for all her weakness , stronger than them , realising that it was easier to contemplate one 's own death than the death of someone loved .
24 On their births a trust a fund of tens of thousands of pound was started for them in their names by their grandmother .
25 The College only hopes that the Russian authorities will be shamed into improving conditions for them in their homeland .
26 Farmers needed to identify likely emergency situations on their farms and ensure that there was somebody able to cover for them in their absence .
27 There is at least one instance of an aedile of a pagus , although we might suspect that the praefectus pagi of the Gallic Epotes lies outside the normal run of local government officials , though it must be remembered that magistrates could appoint prefects to act for them in their absence .
28 In many cases companies might find alternative work for their employees , or even create new jobs for them within their capabilities .
29 This involves selling more government securities and thereby reducing banks ' reserves when their customers pay for them from their bank accounts .
30 She tied the strings of their aprons and did up their buttons , and she sat between them at their bread and milk breakfast which was at half past seven .
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