Example sentences of "[prep] [pers pn] [adv] to the " in BNC.

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1 From what I saw the other day , you already have a full biography of me down to the very last detail , even though you 'd missed one or two relevant facts .
2 WORMS stopped play in the Wiltshire tennis championships after heavy rain drove scores of them on to the Marlborough courts .
3 Dista handed some of them over to the CSM in October , four months later .
4 They do it in and up the road in Peterborough they 've got about thirty eight community centre and the labour run council there is handing every one , every one of them over to the local communities .
5 I gave one of them away to the .
6 Looking to our right we recognised the Cottages with the road in front of them close to the ditch ; also our Professor 's stable , coach-house and dog kennels , with the back entrance from the road to his garden … we were soon in King 's Road [ Pancras Way ] which we found to be well studded with trees on each side … to our left the Country residence of Counsellor Agar [ builder of Agar 's Town ] … we turned to the right and first took notice of the front of our Professor 's house with its large garden protected from the pathway and road by a brick wall .
7 Although initial studies focused on three area , all of them parallel to the existing runway , consideration is now being given to a non-parallel alignment .
8 ‘ I just needed to see you ! ’ she said with a brittle smile , walking past him on to the hot beach , feeling the tears burn her eyes .
9 Because Granby House was a listed building , the contractor eventually became exempt from this tax , but as he could not reclaim any VAT he had already paid to suppliers , he had to pass most of it on to the developer .
10 Then I decided to take some of it back to the shore with me .
11 But they have to send some of it back to the kitchen , uneaten .
12 Returning to Iraq 's frontier with Iran , and to the part of it closest to the PUK heartland around Suleimaniyah , we may now look a little more closely at Val Fajr No 4 .
13 Where a breach has been made in the outer coastal ranges , the sea has penetrated into the depressions which run behind them parallel to the main Dinaric trend .
14 What else was there to do ? she thought miserably as she squelched behind him up to the bathroom .
15 ( f ) Airspace and underground It is a fundamental proposition that in the absence of indications to the contrary a conveyance of land includes not only everything on the surface but everything beneath it down to the centre of the earth and the space directly above ( Grigsby v Melville [ 1973 ] 3 All ER 455 ) .
16 Tim , just come with me up to the toilet for a minute .
17 She cast suspicious , icy eyes at Robyn , a what-are-you-doing-here look , and continued , ‘ Now come with me back to the barn — we have a little surprise for you . ’
18 Wattling turned uncertainly to the table , took up cautiously the pile of saucers , and started with them waveringly to the sink .
19 They said they were looking for me and I had to go with them back to the convent . ’
20 and teach them to obey every thing that I 've commanded you and I will be with you always to the end of
21 She wears big dark glasses and insists on sitting with her back to the throng , coincidentally facing the mirror .
22 She 's standing with her back to the window and I can see a sort of thin blue light round her body .
23 Mrs Hollidaye , supping porridge with her back to the flaming range and her face towards the window exclaimed , ‘ Why do look , Dorothy !
24 In these scenes an unknown actress , impersonating Harlow 's voice , speaks the lines with her back to the camera or with her face hidden by a wide-brimmed hat ; at the sight of this , Boy simply got up and left the living room , left the end of the film unwatched and just sat in the kitchen with a pot of tea .
25 She had taken her last look at this obscure outpost of the Soviet Union and now stood with her back to the low sun .
26 Once more things were happening she had not caused to happen but now there was a difference and she sat with her back to the tree trying to discover what the difference was .
27 Then , with her back to the door , she sprinkled the rest of the contents of the bowl high into the air and out over the edge of the roof .
28 The chosen person stands with her back to the rest and throws the ball over her head without looking to see where it lands .
29 She made a frantic leap to shake them off , as they lifted her back and front nearside feet over the rope and positioned her with her back to the revving Mercedes again .
30 She sat with her back to the window and Lee felt somewhat at a loss faced , at last , by the elderly woman in the opaque , black-lensed spectacles and the expensive , rather drab suit , framed by sun-rays admitted through the tall crimson-curtained opening .
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