Example sentences of "[prep] [pers pn] [prep] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 At their most basic this might be a name and address book that can dial the number selected , but the target is for more sophisticated uses , such as the shared white board approach , where workers can doodle their ideas on the computer screens linked by one 64kbps B channel , while chatting about them on a phone connected over the second channel .
2 So long as the documents have been sent to all those entitled to attend a general meeting in accordance with section 238 , it is a pointless farce to require a formal general meeting to be held in order that they may be ‘ laid ’ unless a member wants to raise questions about them at a meeting , or the auditors want to have an opportunity of talking to the members about them .
3 Those people who have had deep religious experiences often talk about them with a sense of awe — the feeling many of us have had as little children when we 've been in the presence of something powerful and magnificent .
4 Before describing each of the methods in greater detail , one further point can be made about them as a whole .
5 Well Mick it 's now stage two of the er Anglo-Italian Cup , it 's Pisa tonight , er do you know anything about them as a team ?
6 As Mr Imai 's analysis makes clear , the term keiretsu is used to refer to so many different kinds of industrial groups in Japan that generalising about all of them , and especially complaining about them as a group , makes little sense .
7 Stanley was accused by natives of practising evil magic because he was observed writing about them in a book .
8 I read about them in a book , ’ she said .
9 For it was precisely this idea that he promoted when he exhibited the drawings at his Gallery 291 , beginning in late May 1916 , and when he wrote about them in an issue of Camera Work the following October .
10 One of the sons had done the right thing and had taken the pressure off me for a while .
11 ‘ So how about me for a mate ? ’
12 When we emerged we found the neighbours still standing around discussing what had happened , but Mum just pushed her way through them without a word .
13 After his initial gaffe that McQueen should own books , Johnson opened out to a man of culture , a man who understood his own problems and who had thought a way through them to a solution , however sad emigration might prove .
14 He was crouching amidst the emptied-out debris of her possessions , sorting through them with a patience that was deceptively gentle .
15 So the simplest method of disconnecting the pipes is to saw through them or to cut through them with a pipe cutter .
16 The dark circles under his eyes suggested he might well have spent the entire night going through them on a tape recorder , but it had n't helped .
17 Huge volumes of plant material flow through them like a river , all the day long .
18 ‘ He used to get through them like a packet of Polo mints apparently .
19 see through me with a voice of rival , rival calm when she called me in for tea , have a go
20 and let the breath flow through me in a song
21 Now , my happiness curls through me like a vine .
22 He stared at me , and his eyes went through me like a trident through a fish .
23 ‘ Something instantly circulated through me like an essence of fire , and striding with wider steps I determined to go at once for my model , to begin tomorrow and to make the most of my actual situation .
24 Just ask for them at a maternity clinic or child health clinic and show your Income Support payment book or , if you 're paid by girocheque , the letter that came with the girocheque .
25 Large transient hotels very often enter into agreements with certain airlines or travel agents whereby they will hold a number of rooms specifically for them on a guarantee basis .
26 In the long term , some of the earlier buyers will want to sell their timeshares , and the management company may undertake to do this for them on an agency basis , thus earning additional commission .
27 He was sitting waiting for them with a bone in his mouth .
28 I personally think he suits their style more and will probably do good things for them for a while , until he gets bored , or dropped , or injured .
29 The County Council er w would train you but you 'd do your erm year 's training and then you had to work for them for a year , I think it was a year or eighteen months .
30 That 's an area where they 're not gon na get involved unless there 's an awful lot of money and yes , there is money , for them for a training budget , but certainly not enough to cover what would be lost if , if Tomlinson , and let's face it , if they win Tomlinson it will just continue .
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