Example sentences of "[prep] [pers pn] [verb] [pers pn] on " in BNC.

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1 I do n't mind Come Up and See Me being released ; God willing it will go high enough for them to invite me on Top Of The Pops !
2 We 'd got word of these outlaws passing through the woods , though they never came near the villages , and then this master-carpenter and his fellow came back to us and told us what had befallen them , and we did what we could for them to set them on their way back to Shrewsbury .
3 You 've got to go and ask for them to take you on the erm
4 During the next few days I saw a lot of ‘ Deemy ’ and it was he who suggested that Major Hal could clear the decks for me to accompany him on his next flight back to Siberia .
5 In return she showed them the Daimler and invited forty of them to visit her on the Dockers ' yacht , Shemara , where pink champagne was served amid costly fitments which were often detailed in the newspapers .
6 The point dogs catch him and one of them nips him on the leg — take that for being more popular with the boss .
7 I know it sounds mad but I suddenly had an image of them doing it on the carpet in the office like a couple of dogs . ’
8 It 's a good idea of yours putting me on the floor Rocket .
9 It 's incredibly kind of you to meet us on the offchance .
10 Taken aback by her anger and foreseeing the likelihood of her leaving him on the strength of it , Jeremy switches tactics to conciliation .
11 Barenboim has identified the First Symphony of the 54-year-old Corigliano as a work of great courage , and it was equally brave of him to take it on tour .
12 I got a mate of mine to take it on Wednesday .
13 We brought her in , four of us carrying her on a wicket gate .
14 When the bills come in you pay them on the budget account cheque book and do n't have to worry whether the money is there or not .
15 Cora-Beth had told him the night before that there were letters and cards awaiting him from England , all of which had ‘ Not To Be Opened Until 5 Jan. ’ on the envelopes , so she had extracted a promise from him to leave them on his bedside table until this morning .
16 The doctor was concerned enough about him to trail him on a journey that Thomas then made to London Airport .
17 Fat women and bald-headed men standing in the doorways of tiny shops make jokes to him which he ca n't quite understand , and shout ribaldries to each other about him clapping him on the shoulder to indicate they 're not serious , and cutting slices of cheese and sausage for him to try .
18 This was his first mainline trip and he was grateful to Sam for his advice and also for him taking him on this trip .
19 ‘ And Spain was a cosy hideaway for our export villains ; ergo , her boyfriend was waiting for her to join him on the Costa del Crook . ’
20 ‘ Older than you , married , female : it was up to me to keep us on the straight and narrow .
21 No , she to she told me on the phone .
22 One week we decided to follow him to find out where he was sloping off to We found him on the roof ledge peering down at people in a car below .
23 Sir , — When Malcolm Rifkind was made Minister of Transport I wrote a letter to him congratulating him on his appointment , expressing the hope that he would be a success in his job and asking him to instruct his Civil Servants to concentrate their efforts more on the railways of this country rather than on the roads .
24 He told me how , when he had first moved there , the local MP had written to him congratulating him on his climbing and mentioning that he had had a one-legged uncle who climbed .
25 People came up to us to congratulate us on the reading .
26 They drank their coffee and he took both cups and leaned across her to put them on the settle .
27 But something in the way Chambers kept glancing sidelong at her kept her on her guard .
28 It would be difficult for us to fund it on our own ’ .
29 You know , you 're worried about us threatening you on your borders , you 've been threatening us on our borders you get rid of yours we 'll get rid of ours , fair ?
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