Example sentences of "[prep] [noun pl] be hold [prep] " in BNC.

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1 As part of the control of the transaction it is important that the majority of meetings are held at the firm 's own premises .
2 A number of meetings were held throughout April and May 1990 between Brooke and James Molyneaux , leader of the ( Official ) Ulster Unionist Party ( OUP ) , and the Rev. Ian Paisley , leader of the Democratic Unionist Party ( DUP ) , and between Brooke and Gerard Collins , the Irish Foreign Minister , as a prelude to the opening of talks on new arrangements for the exercising of political power within Northern Ireland .
3 A series of meetings was held in March , April and May 1990 with radical Palestinian groupings in what many observers saw as preparatory steps towards their unbanning .
4 I hope that I will have an opportunity to meet many students in the forthcoming series of meetings being held through the regional actuarial societies .
5 And if he landed in England with Matilda , estates such as Hugh de Tracy 's were at risk , placed as they were in Herefordshire and Gloucestershire , where the majority of castles were held by men who owed fealty to the Earl rather than the King .
6 This sub-set of entries is held in a smaller database known as the Working-Set .
7 The first World Congress of Tatars was held in Kazan ( Tatarstan ) on June 19-21 , attended by 1,200 delegates from Tatarstan and the Tatar diaspora .
8 But still , the great majority of posts are held by the sort of steady chaps who have always made up the Great and Good .
9 The year 's largest group of primaries was held on Sept. 11 , with elections in 10 states , and also in the District of Columbia , where disgraced mayor Marion Barry was not seeking re-election after his conviction on a drug charge [ see p. 37647 ] .
10 However , realizable assets are now much less important in any estimation of the wealth distribution in Britain , because so much of the wealth of individuals is held in the form of pension rights , wealth which is not immediately realizable , but which is contingent on survival beyond pensionable age .
11 This enquiry found that the airship trials had been unsatisfactory and in their final report they stated that ‘ … no Government department , high official or group of individuals was held to be responsible ’ .
12 The defence of volenti was held to be inappropriate but the plaintiff 's damages were reduced for his contributory negligence in riding with a drunken driver and failing to wear a seat belt .
13 The agony of years was held in those short staccato sentences , and tears glimmered in her tawny eyes with the pain of confession .
14 For some the internal growth of firms is held to be the dominant force , with merger activity playing a distinctly secondary role [ Prais , 1976 ; Hart and Clarke , 1980 ] , whilst others hold that the opposite is the case [ Hannah and Kay , 1977 ] .
15 The cyclic of rise to power and decay of elites is held by Pareto to be inevitable and is explained by the alteration in elites of the proportions of these residues , both of which are necessary for the maintenance of rule .
16 A substantial but prudent investment of finances is therefore essential to provide a safe service in which the clinical needs of patients are held to be primary .
17 Sachs therefore concluded that the syntax of sentences is held for only a short time , after which only their meaning is retained .
18 Now how a man who works on can think there 's anything funny about species I just ca n't understand erm but there it is. erm well , suppose , however , that in my view wrongly one did suppose that there was something erm in this sort of idea of the decoupling between the processes which we observed in single populations and erm the sort of mechanisms leading to large scale evolution , what kinds of processes are held to be important when it comes to large scale evolution events ?
19 The last Faraday Discussion to be devoted to the physical chemistry of enzymes was held in 1955 .
20 The third series of seminars was held during the period September 1990 to April 1991 and consisted of 8 presentations , covering subjects of policy interest and practical business application .
21 A series of seminars was held in October to discuss the design of this qualification , which includes modules covering biological , chemical , and physical sciences .
22 In April 1990 a three-day conference of Greens was held at Szklarska Poreba .
23 A second round of talks was held on May 15-18 in Dagomys ( Russia ) , preceded by working visits by Russian and Ukrainian parliamentary delegations to the Black Sea .
24 Another round of talks was held in Roatán on July 9 , 1990 ; on both occasions the Belizean delegation included representatives of the government and of the opposition UDP .
25 A third round of talks was held in May , and in the same month the first direct charter flight between the two countries was made [ p. 38191 ] .
26 The deadline was June 11th 1803 , and on July 7th 1801 the first general meeting of subscribers was held in the Session House in Bedford .
27 IN MAY , a five day programme of events was held in Liverpool to mark the 50th anniversary of the turning point in the Battle of the Atlantic — the longest continuous campaign fought during World War Two .
28 A Metropolitan Police study conducted during a three-month period in 1979 found that 0.4 per cent of detainees were held for seventy-two hours or more .
29 A series of by-elections were held in May 1991 .
30 ‘ On the other hand , joining the Official List could have serious implications for many USM companies , such as the potential loss of inheritance tax reliefs and the need to ensure that at least 25% of shares are held by the public , rather than 10% , which has been permitted on the USM . ’
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