Example sentences of "[prep] [noun pl] the [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 MYSELF : If an Arab entered a room and separated fourteen Jews from the rest , or a white man in a peaked hood with slits for eyes the same number of number of blacks , nobody would be wasting their time denying the anti-semitic or racist nature of the crime .
2 In one set of trials the type of match required was varied from trial to trial while in a second set of trials the same match was required for a fixed number of stimulus presentations .
3 Take the cardboard seal out of the lid and drill a circle of holes the same diameter as an uplift support ( whichever you can get ) .
4 In the context of the transfer of businesses the former approach can amount to forcing the worker to work for someone he or she has not chosen .
5 Some day , she supposed , Fen would be setting up home there with his girlfriend , and the less she knew about the interior of Chimneys the less material her jealous imagination would have to fester upon .
6 Russian President Boris Yeltsin arrived in Sofia on Aug. 3 as the guest of President Zhelyu Zhelev , with whom he held a first round of talks the same day , signing a 10-year treaty of friendship and cooperation before leaving on Aug. 4 .
7 I 've also had to face behind desks the same kind of pretentious people , what Shakespeare calls the ‘ insolence of office ’ .
8 The Thing had said there were ways of growing plants under lights the same colour as the sun , in pots full of a sort of weak soup that helped plants grow .
9 I would love to hear from mums around my age with children the same age as mine .
10 With fertilisers the same crops can be grown year after year on the same fields and still they give high yields .
11 Two minutes into the second half Elwood 's drop goal reinforced Ireland 's victory push and within minutes the same player was on target with a penalty to open up a six point gap .
12 Dudley , is maths today taught in schools the same way as it used to be ?
13 And as inner city expertise readily becomes transformed into a supplementary expertise on Black people , within months the same company was awarded a contract by the Department of Trade and Industry to evaluate the effects of inner city policy on British Black communities .
14 The refugees , small wiry people dressed in rags the same colour as the desert , huddle in the shelters , crouch in the shade behind the buildings , or in groups around the places where relief teams distribute what little food there is .
15 I decided that the artwork would be painted in pieces ; the backgrounds on a single sheet and the rest in sections the same size with the artwork for close up details painted twice up for reduction .
16 The alternative permitted hours are , on weekdays 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. to 10.30 p.m. , on Saturdays the same hours as for weekdays or alternatively , 1 p.m. to 10.30 p.m. , and on Sundays 12.30 pm. to 2 p.m. and 4 pm. to 9 p.m .
17 High mortgages , the massive increase of families in bed-and-breakfast accommodation , a revised benefits ' system sweeping away school meals ' entitlements and heavily dependent on loans , the Poll Tax , cutbacks in family planning clinics , the introduction of loans in higher education , fare increases and timetable reductions on deregulated public transport — we know that such hardships bear more on women the less money they have .
18 If this is to labour the obvious , it is because the formulation quoted above serves to anticipate the conclusion that a statute should attach to non-owners the same rights and liabilities .
19 For people who work outside the home , work provides the main opportunity to form this loose social network but for others the same support is provided by an extended family network of children , grandchildren , brothers and sisters and neighbours .
20 It 's true that at times the many ledges give some discontinuity to the routes , but they also provide good stances .
21 The hey-day of sport in our village seems to have been from the late 19th century up to the 1914 war , with a short revival between the wars but although attempts have been made at intervals the same enthusiasm does n't seem to prevail .
22 I just ca n't seem to look at peaches the same way any more .
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