Example sentences of "[prep] [noun pl] for a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I have been looking for ages for a Victorian birdbath , without much success .
2 GROUPS as diverse as the Royal Fine Art Commission and the National Union of Mineworkers have joined the controversy about plans for a new supermarket .
3 The only classy Lions ' back move of the second half came when Tony Underwood and Gibbs made sharp breaks and gave Clement the chance to burst through tackles for a converted try .
4 The Master of the Armouries , curator of Britain 's historic arms and armour collection , who is hell-bent on creating just such a hybrid and abandoning the ancient Tower of London where it has been housed for centuries for a purpose-built , speculative complex in Leeds , is risking a gargantuan version of the ‘ Sporting Glory ’ fiasco , with the extra twist that if his project fails , his objects will have no home to go back to .
5 Regarding the Bethlehem Hospital , in 1810 a competition was held for designs for a new hospital in St George 's Fields , Southwark ; but in the event none of the entries which gained the premiums was actually adopted , and instead Lewis was instructed to incorporate their best features in a new design of his own .
6 Barclays Bank in Britain has been casting about for months for a chief executive .
7 The focal point is the Rathaus ( town hall ) , with a fine sixteenth-century tower that dominates the many charming houses in the vicinity , and one of its most striking houses offers a reminder that the Swiss have been at the business of looking after travellers for a long time .
8 LADIES and Gentlemen , in summary , I 'd like to offer you five Ts as ingredients for a successful future in infill .
9 Under Resolution 44/312 of Nov. 20 , the Assembly elected former Norwegian Foreign Minister Thorvald Stoltenberg as the UN High Commissioner for Refugees for a four-year period from Jan. 1 , 1990 .
10 In the majority of cases however , the valuation engagement will be value added , where the firm uses information , which may already have been the subject of validation , enquiry and analytical procedures or information gathering work , to derive a conclusion in the form of an estimated value or range of values for a particular purpose .
11 Not only may κ x take a whole range of values for a given κ , but also linear combinations of solutions of the form ( 22.6 ) with different κ x but the same κ are single wavenumber patterns .
12 There can be a number of reasons for a slow response .
13 In academic libraries a large number of requests for a new book may suggest that it is a recommended text , and is likely to influence the number of copies purchased ( probably for the short loans collection ) .
14 Education authorities are required to produce guidelines which describe how children are to be allocated to schools and which outline procedures for deciding between competing claims when the number of requests for a particular school exceeds the number of places available , and to publish information about particular schools .
15 He had reached that most difficult of ages for a successful actor , his forties .
16 The men were taken into a tent and allowed to look at a group of objects for a short period after which they had to recall every detail they had observed .
17 The Liberals and the SDP as outsiders to the established system have emerged as the champions of constitutional change with a whole package of proposals for a new constitutional settlement .
18 In a referendum conducted throughout Serbia on July 2 , the majority of Serbs voted in favour of proposals for a new constitution for the republic .
19 And right now I 'm in the middle of a set of illustrations for a new book .
20 In this regard it should be pointed out that although article 5 makes provision in a number of cases for a special jurisdiction which the plaintiff may choose , this is because of the existence , in certain clearly-defined situations , of a particularly close connecting factor between a dispute and the court which may be called upon to hear it , with a view to the efficacious conduct of the proceedings .
21 Most users would then have to wait only a couple of hours for a new telephone .
22 Those nerve-racking hours , with the armies drawn up in battle array in sight of each other , can hardly have been the best of times for a calm discussion of the problem of the succession .
23 Inclusion in a national open event such as our Art in Nature open competition and exhibition is useful for attracting the interest and backing of galleries for a future possible solo show .
24 Consequently , in contrast to the single set of accounts for a profit-oriented organization , the non-profit organization needs a series of accounts for each service .
25 One of these — a mission to Titan , Saturn 's largest moon — is the focus of plans for a joint effort by NASA and the European Space Agency ( ESA ) .
26 Europe 's supercomputing industry has received a boost with unveiling by German company Parsytec of plans for a new range of parallel machines .
27 As part of the investigation into attitudes to mass electricity , the project explores the reception by the public of plans for a National Grid and looks at the way in which this programme was presented to those most likely to be environmentally and economically affected by its construction .
28 The enemy soon became aware of the importance of the work at Bawdsey and our intelligence got wind of plans for a massive attempt to demolish the research station .
29 Disappointed governors at Hummersknott School have been told they have no right of appeal against Durham County Council 's rejection of plans for a 150-place sixth form at the school .
30 Eventually , however , those commanders still loyal tot he Shah ( or still hoping to resist the imposition of Islamic government ) produced a series of plans for a military take-over .
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