Example sentences of "[prep] [noun pl] to [noun sg] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 ( A distinction between attitudes to housework and child-care is a different matter from a temporal merging of the two activities . )
2 They are guidelines , there are no final decisions to be taken in terms of the implementation of a number of these , but this is the Committee 's opportunity to view those in detail and make its recommendations through proposals to Policy and Resources Committee and on to Council .
3 Limitations on the amount recoverable for loss of life ( some £38,000 under the 1974 Athens Convention ) and for losses to cargo and vehicles show that the haulier has to be very careful when undertaking operations involving cross-channel ferries .
4 Some groups of animals found in nature are simple ‘ associations ’ assembled either through overwhelming influences of nature , such as tide-washed plankton on a sandy shore , or through responses to temperature or light held in common by all participants .
5 At the opposite end of the scale from the fundamentalists , we have such interesting hypotheses as the one put forward recently drawing attention to the close positive correlation between the susceptibility of groups to extinction and the oxygen consumption level of their modem representatives .
6 His analysis of attitudes to motivation and work developed a distinction between two elements , hygiene factors and motivators — dissatisfiers and satisfiers ( see Figure 5.7a ) .
7 Data will be collected by means of questionnaires to mother and fathers and interviews with mothers and siblings .
8 Credo-Bit ‘ 92 was the first conference to be devoted to the application of computers to theology and the Church .
9 In addition , counting calories to balance daily metabolic activity , a popular dieting trick , is useless , as the setpoint mechanism can override the conversion of calories to fat or energy .
10 We have to look at left criticism in the context of the harsh political climate in which it has had to survive , the resultant lack of opportunities to practice and develop , and the dominance of mainstream criticism and its supporting political ideas .
11 ‘ Extending the range of visits to library and related establishments beyond the London area to which we are limited through lack of funds ’ …
12 On the other hand , it is determined not to allow such arrangements to be Trojan horses for anti-competitive cartels ‘ leading to market sharing , raising of barriers to entry and the intensification of market power ’ .
13 Thus , an uncompetitive market structure may be maintained indefinitely because of barriers to entry and exit ; products are not , as in the model , homogeneous , but have differentiating characteristics which enable producers to raise prices without causing a total shift in demand to their rivals ; and finally , purchasers lack perfect information and hence may pay higher prices than they would if aware of alternative , cheaper , sources of supply .
14 These abnormalities range from the complete absence of limbs to loss or gain of digits .
15 The provision of secondments to business and education is not a new concept .
16 It is suggested that views diverge on the central question of the rights of parents to custody and control of their children in relation to the right of the state ( acting through courts and social work agencies ) to intervene in the parent-child relationship , to remove children from their parents , to allocate their care and control to other parties , and to determine their subsequent upbringing .
17 The Research Development as a whole is concerned with four major topics : the policies employers adopt towards the labour force ; the attitudes of workers to employment and the labour market ; changes in the household and their relationship to both paid and unpaid work ; and the impact of economic change on social integration and social stratification .
18 Ted Dunn is editor of Alternatives To War And Violence and Foundations Of Peace And Freedom .
19 A number of entrants to production and progress departments are promoted from humbler positions like messenger boys .
20 Under the listed securities regulations contained in Part IV of the FSA , the London Stock Exchange is appointed the competent authority to make listing rules to govern the admission of securities to listing and the continuing obligation of listed companies .
21 The London Stock Exchange has extensively rewritten The Listing Rules ( formerly known as the Admission of Securities to Listing or the Yellow Book ) .
22 A brick wall about six feet high stretched away into the blackness of trees to right and left .
23 Like all large corporations , the big record companies and the major artists allocate a percentage of profits to charity and good causes .
24 These courts continued to function until 1943 and sentenced thousands of Spaniards to execution or imprisonment .
25 The candidate must be nominated in accordance with rules governing the election of councillors to county and district councils , and of parish and community councillors .
26 Results of elections to Council and a report on the proceedings at last year 's Annual General Meeting held on Saturday 3 November in Llandudno are included in the Annual Report for 1990 , which is circulated with this issue of the magazine .
27 Despite resistance of markets to novelty and indeed diversity and the fact that few mills can handle a diversity of timbers , the advent of techniques for pulping mixtures of species means that the diversity of the rain forest becomes less of a problem .
28 Bate and Henry Kater [ q.v. ] worked on these models in 1825–6 , and subsequently Bate supplied hundreds of sets of standards to government and municipal offices throughout the United Kingdom and overseas .
29 A second objection is that it still has not taken the point seriously enough about the rights of pupils to autonomy and freedom in reflectiveness and choice of commitment .
30 Furthermore , the rights of pupils to autonomy and self-responsibility are still not adequately protected under the new form of confessionalism .
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