Example sentences of "[prep] [noun pl] [coord] [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 Central supervision of the Poor Law operated both through the regional inspectorate who supervised the locally elected administrators , the Boards of Guardians of each Poor Law Union , and submitted annual reports to the LGB , and also through circulars or memoranda to the Boards of Guardians .
2 Often they will arrive unbidden at a mustering of High Elf forces and offer their expert services as scouts and skirmishers to the general of the army .
3 His choices of ends require no appeal to principles , not even any verbalization , only the discerning of conflict between inclinations and self-alerting to the situation , after which , whether instantaneously or after protracted exploration , one inclination spontaneously prevails .
4 Includes recommendations for improvements and amendments to the controversial 1983 draft Circulars on Green Belts and housing land as well as evidence from a wide range of local authorities , pressure groups , professional bodies , housing developers and individual academics .
5 Hence the encouragement for voluntary schools , City Technology Colleges , and for schools and hospitals to ‘ opt out ’ ; inducements for universities to be less dependent on state finance ; promotion of council house sales and housing action trusts .
6 1 Closing date for entries and address to which entries should be sent .
7 Further information : Carers National Association Fact Sheet 1 , ‘ How to find out about gadgets and equipment to daily living ’ .
8 ‘ It is right for brothers and sisters to be close . ’
9 No regular services had been held in it for many years , although it had been used for funerals and the occasional service , remaining open for visitors and pilgrims to Cell-y-bedd and the shrine .
10 It is usual for parents and children to be separately represented to ensure that the child 's best interests are considered .
11 Tutors were being requested to examine the new packs in detail for errors and omissions to be corrected .
12 She hopes to hold the French sponsored walk in November and is now looking for companies and individuals to back her .
13 These range from telephone calls between acquaintances and friends to meetings at training/familiarisation courses , and from participation in the affairs of independent computing associations to communicating through the columns of their own specialist fortnightly journal ( the Freelance Informer ) .
14 By the end of January 1974 , Armstrong , a highly sensitive man , was at a conference at Ditchley Park in Oxfordshire ‘ talking wildly of coups and coalitions to his alarmed fellow guests ’ .
15 This limits conditions to those matters relating to the use and appearance of the land , e.g. considerations of visual amenity , access , tree planting and preservation and landscape in general , leaving conditions to be attached to the site licence to regulate the proper conduct of operations and day to day management of the site together with the protection of water , the environment and public health generally .
16 The family of daisy-like flowers covers nearly every conceivable colour from the most shocking of pinks and oranges to the subtlest of pastels and creams .
17 They have since developed a wide range of contacts and membership to the group is now by election .
18 He welcomed the varied responses of artists and writers to modern life , and in his own poetry explored innovations .
19 After six months of work under the direction of Guy Cogeval , conservateur du patrimoine , the museum has reopened with a number of improvements and alterations to the building .
20 From this point of view deviance is not a quality of the act a person commits , but rather a consequence of the application by others of rules and sanctions to an offender .
21 The deviance lies not in the act itself but is a consequence of the application by ‘ moral entrepreneurs ’ of rules and sanctions to the offender .
22 When Darwin delivered his collection of birds and mammals to the Zoological Society for identification three months after his arrival back in England , Gould probably welcomed the opportunity of finding out more about the voyage , particularly the month or so Darwin spent in Australia and Tasmania .
23 Suppose that banks operate with a desired ratio , , of reserves to deposit liabilities , ‘ the deposit ratio ’ and that the public holds a desired ratio , , of notes and coin to its deposits , ‘ the cash ratio ’
24 The right of employers and employees to be aware of clear objectives and detailed targets for training performance .
25 Lord Chorley brings a marvellous range of talents and interests to the National Trust .
26 Jacobs [ 1989 ] adds the deficiencies of circularity of definitions and obsolescence to the above ; and argues that MRDs are only a piece of the solution to the lexical acquisition problem .
27 As diagnoses become more refined , they move from a simple description of signs and symptoms to an understanding about pathogenesis , and finally to knowledge of aetiology .
28 This is seen to give rise to a culture of teaching as teachers collectively evolve sets of attitudes and responses to their tasks , the content of what they teach and the relationships they have with their colleagues .
29 The traditional Norfolk four-course rotation of turnips or swedes to be grazed off by sheep in winter , spring barley for sale ( undersown ) , red clover ley to be grazed in spring and summer , followed by winter wheat for sale , was designed to suit the strong land and dry , warm climate of East Anglia .
30 If we genuinely believe everyone to be entitled to education , then we must reject the aristocratic distinction between an education fit only for workers and one fit for philosopher-kings ; but we Must equally reject the new assumption that only those who are receiving a scientific education are being ‘ properly ’ educated ; the rest , those who are studying arts , being relegated to the position of drones or parasites to be , at best , tolerated , and seen as ‘ enriching ’ themselves .
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