Example sentences of "[prep] [noun pl] [prep] [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 The only conflict about housing land in Cramlington during the preparation and revision of the Northumberland Structure Plan was about releases in relation to total numbers .
2 A third aim is to suggest possible hypotheses directed towards explaining differences between housewives in attitudes to housework and the housework situation .
3 Cedric Downes had himself been on the phone for about five minutes , trying frustratedly to contact British Rail about times of trains to London that day ; yet he could have had little notion of the irrational and frenetic impatience of the man who was trying to contact him ; a man who was betweenwhiles cursing the incompetence of British Telecom and bemoaning the cussedness of the Universe in general .
4 Will the Secretary of State now give a guarantee that no sixth-form college student will be charged for activities in relation to the school curriculum , or is this to be yet another example of pay-as-you-learn under the Conservative Government ?
5 Accordingly , if it is possible to establish the necessary correspondence between these characteristics and the property of concern , then relationships between the numbers should reflect the relation between objects with respect to the property being measured .
6 I sang that for hours on end to Tasha .
7 Though the system has now been modified for some years , local authorities still play a crucial role in the shaping of the local environment by , for example , forecasting the need for roads for travel to work or leisure , and thus plan on the basis of that need Planners seek to influence behaviour , for example , by deciding that particular zones will be devoted to industrial estates , others to shopping centres and residential use in order to harmonise traffic movement and so on .
8 The parties chose to refer the damages issue to a firm of accountants acting as experts in preference to litigation or arbitration .
9 For forms of wording to be used in the High Court , which could be adopted in the county court , see heading " Peremptory orders " , below .
10 The searching self-portraits of Rembrandt in approaching old age , as he became uglier and poorer and more grimy , were acclaimed as masterpieces in preference to the earlier elegant portraiture of his society period .
11 A really effective technique for tutors with access to many keyboards is to expect the learners to complete word processed task sheets on screen , and store them on disc for later study , marking and collation .
12 Of course it is difficult to generalise over time and between parties with respect to the relations between party and Prime Minister , but in the recent past it has become clear that the Labour Party outside Parliament has been concerned to exert a greater measure of effective control over Labour Prime Ministers .
13 Neutrality is neutrality between parties in relation to some issue regarding which the success of one sets the other back .
14 Social selection results from ( a ) effects of competition between the subject and others of either sex with respect to commodities essential to survival in the situation that will allow attempt at reproduction , ( b ) competition for access to preferred members of the opposite sex for mating and ( c ) effects of competition between subjects for access to commodities in the environment essential for rearing of their young or those of relatives to reproductive age .
15 A key response of governments in Europe to the perceived fiscal crisis of the mid-1970s was to adopt strategies which would restrain state expenditure , switch payment for utilities from taxation to consumer charging , and allow the private and voluntary sectors to play a larger role in the provision of transport , education and welfare services .
16 The political reform proposals included open meetings of grass-roots party organizations ; the selection of officials up to the rank of Deputy Minister , district APL first secretary or divisional Army or militia commander , and of all enterprise and institution directors , to be " based on elections by the working people , on merit " in order to " have as few cadres as possible appointed directly from above " ; a limit of two terms in office for all members of elective party and state bodies , including the People 's Assembly ( parliament ) and the APL central committee ; a choice between candidates in elections to these bodies ( albeit only communist or communist-backed candidates ; Alia categorically ruled out abandoning " the hegemony of the APL " and allowing rival political parties ) ; and reduction in the bureaucratic apparatus .
17 The usual order is judgment for arrears of rent to date of termination of the tenancy , and for mesne profits to date of hearing and thereafter mesne profits at a daily rate and ( almost invariably calculated by reference to the rent ) from the date of hearing until actual possession is given up .
18 He read voraciously , developing his early appetite for books on visits to the shop in Crediton kept by his Aunt Susannah .
19 Article eight B two provides that citizens of the union shall have the right to vote and to stand as candidates in elections to the European parliament .
20 It does this because it shows how if we start from our own case alone , and concentrate entirely upon a conception of mental states which is independent of behaviour , we can not move from our conception of ourselves as subjects of experience to a conception of other subjects .
21 The Evil One is seen after St Gregory of Nazianzus as having no rights at all — on the contrary he is seen as a robber and a liar who stole the world from God and who holds humanity as captives in bondage to their own sin and his influence and power .
22 Men cared for animals in proportion to their value .
23 One could perhaps specify further : it was normal for disputes in Ireland to be referred to the Congregation of Propaganda , as Ireland , being part of a protestant state , fell under its jurisdiction .
24 The second is that they include not only pedigrees and arms but also , in many cases , ancillary material such as lists of persons to be summoned , correspondence , church notes and lists of disclaimers .
25 After months of trips to the Dahran air base in the war for Kuwait , the journey 's become distinctly routine .
26 The key question is whether , after decades of exposure to the various ‘ risk factors ’ , it is possible to reduce the frequency of coronary events and the deaths they may cause in men in the highest-risk categories , by altering the way of life of these men , and perhaps also by giving them appropriate drugs .
27 Just as Unionists had rejected an Irish compromise in 1914 after years of commitment to Ulster , so they could not envisage anything short of total victory after the national sacrifices since 1914 .
28 THE newest submarine for the Royal Navy had to make an emergency ascent during trials off the west coast of Scotland yesterday after fears of contamination to her air supplies .
29 A provision in the agreement allowed for matters of disagreement to be placed before a conciliation commission .
30 This was also the reason why Practice Direction 2 of 1992 called for matters in issue to be identified in advance , with the paying party outlining the reasons in disputing the item and giving the suggested reduced figure .
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