Example sentences of "[prep] [noun pl] [verb] out [prep] " in BNC.

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1 As adjunct to its education policy the BDA has recently embarked on a youth policy for reasons spelt out in a resolution passed by the Rothesay Congress in 1986 : This Congress recognises that the future development of the deaf community requires the full participation of deaf children and young people .
2 Erm , it was not possible to get your views in , as it were , personnel terms rather than financial terms on that er report , but er as it were on your behalf , we supported the Treasurer 's er recommendation for reasons set out in paragraph one four , and if I can er explain that for you a little little more , de-regulation could mean , that each employing authority has it 's own scheme of superannuation , or not , and if not would simply leave employees in a position of taking them off the state scheme S E R P S or going for a personal pension .
3 But it would not guarantee markets for products made out of old paper or plastic .
4 Most accidents happen as kids run out in the road without looking , alright .
5 The income from that sale , plus a little rent for pastures rented out to other farmers , produced a pitiful income which , when the first documentary presented Hannah to an amazed public in 1973 , was running at about £5.50p a week .
6 Graham Bowstead , Bob Hodgson and Ray Cargill , all Englishmen , had been working for William Lee in London but were on the look out for opportunities to branch out on their own .
7 In education , although legislation promises increased power to parents and the opportunity for schools to opt out of local education authorities , it also promises a greater power for head teachers and , in the case of City Technology Colleges , a greater direct input from industry .
8 This apparently low level of active parental involvement has important implications for other aspects of current policy — especially the arrangements for schools to opt out of local authority control .
9 The median for upholsterers works out at £95 , but the sample of four is too small to qualify for inclusion in the table .
10 Vehicle excise duty — the tax disc — paid by the owners of 23 million cars , was increased by £15 a year to £125 for licences taken out in Post Offices and vehicle registration offices from today .
11 Er I would , I would echo that , that we feel that they money has been paid in for work or services done by the employer and by the er fund members themselves have contributed and I do n't think it belongs to either of those parties in any more , it 's held by the trustees to pay pensions , if for nothing it 's been put there just to pay pensions , it 's not a piggy bank for er for companies to draw out with the with their tame er trustees allowing it , it it 's money the trustees hold in in trust and I believe that 's the law at the moment and er I I think we would like to see that confirmed in any new law .
12 But this easiness on the eye , and Michael Hordem 's predictably effective narration , will not deter criticism From those who demur at the implicit assumption that man 's continuing affection for gardens arises out of a folk memory of being cast out of the Garden of Eden and a consequent urge to recreate this paradise .
13 Straight holding and in vitro injection pipettes are appropriate for manipulations carried out in a manipulation chamber .
14 Mazmanian ( 1976 ) , in his evaluation of projects carried out by the Corps of Engineers , and Gilbert and Specht ( 1977 ) , in their classic evaluation of the Model City programme between the years 1967 — 71 , appear to reach a similar conclusion : participation helps process but not goal attainment .
15 SCRAPS : Paltry bowl of rations dished out by Serbs to feed two men for a day
16 Goodenough 's group confirmed that the emotional content of dreams could be affected by pre-sleep stimulation ( in this case , a film entitled subcision — explicitly showing a series of operations carried out on the penis as part of a tribal aboriginal initiation rite ) .
17 Another guest speaker , Dr Nawal El Saadawi , the Egyptian novelist , doctor and relentless critic of Arab human rights abuses , attacked the hypocrisy of policies carried out around the world in the name of human rights , democracy and justice .
18 With these we may compare the more primitive diagrams of reactions set out in an earlier and elementary work , J. B. Scoffern 's Chemistry no Mystery , of which the second edition was published in 1848 .
19 On his return , he and a group of artists set out with the idea of using Expo'92 as a showcase for their work .
20 The pilot scheme guaranteed half the cost of improvements carried out by operators in Towyn , Kinmel Bay and Belgrano worst hit during the floods when the sea breached defences in the resort towns .
21 This initially proved a mirage and despite feelers put out by Baghdad for the holding of talks to air their differences , resistance continued .
22 The range of activities carried out under its name is very diverse and different in kind , from armchair theorizing to the detailed accumulation and analysis of data , from metaphysical speculation to psychometric measurement .
23 They must be seen as inventing new rules for the future in accordance with their convictions about what is best for society as a whole , freed from any supposed rights flowing from consistency , but presenting these for unknown reasons in the false uniform of rules dug out of the past .
24 Not raising her head , nor even starting , at the sudden clamour of birds squabbling out in the clearing .
25 A large sodden island of reeds lay out in mid-stream like a moored barge .
26 We have had a number of cases coming out of West Belfast .
27 Marina Shipping Ltd v. Laughton ( 1982 ) was one in a long line of cases arising out of attempts by the International Transport Workers Federation ( ITF ) to force ship owners employing cheap labour recruited abroad to pay European standard rates of wages .
28 But if you ask him to spare a couple of hours to help out at a St John Ambulance fund-raising activity or a garden fête for the church roof repair fund , he might find that a worthwhile thing to do .
29 ‘ Only that Frank has seen him a number of times coming out of a special house down there .
30 The number of audits carried out by each firm was taken from our database at 1992 .
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